And it's Fall (capitalized, because it's the name of a season, is that right?). Anyway, woke up to the house being a balmy 68 degrees, so immediatey the windows were closed and the ceiling fans shut off. I refuse to put the heat on this early. Wear a sweater if you're cold ... or in my case, pants! Hey, don't judge!!
I think I was supposed to blog about something particular this weekend, but I don't really feel like it. Plus, the person that mentioned the topic didn't remind me so I won't. Right now my mind is on other things anyway. This week at work should be great. The sales team is out for a few days, nothing much going on with the exception of some truck building. Maybe I will actually have time to train people on how to do my job. That's my goal, and I'm sticking to it.
Thinking of going to play poker today, but that will probably not happen. Appears I have a problem with the big burner on my stove. The one I thought I fixed. Last night it did not heat up at all. Connection looks good, just no juice. I am really hoping I do not have to replace it. I'm tired of saving money, only to spend it 3 days later because something went wrong.
Mowed my back lawn again yesterday. This time mowed at a level 2 and bagged it. Damn it looks nice! Also, no rain in the forecast for the next few days, so shouldn't grow too much. Give me a reprieve from mowing. Will have to do the front lawn again this week, also at a level 2. Then both halves will look nice. Yay me.
Well that's it for now. Gotta do the laundry.