Saturday, December 28, 2013

Almost the end of the year...

Well, 2013 comes to an end soon. Thankfully! It's been a helluva year. Anthony dropping out of school, ending up in the hospital for a few days. He also dropped out of school, and is in the process of going for his GED. Hopefully he will get that done by the end of January/early February, and can start getting his life on track (and a job). My first vacation in 10 years, end result not what I expected, but glad (kinda!). Then Anthony deciding to move out on my birthday, leaving me a note to find when I got home from work (he came back the next day). Vacation the week BEFORE Christmas because of someone's screw up on the vacation calendar. Working the week of Christmas, and kicking ass! And now 2014 is not far away. It's got to be a better year! Most plans haven't changed, it's just a matter of biding time. I haven't played poker live in over a month. Found it on Xbox so happy about that, but it's not as enjoyable as playing with people in front of you and real cards and chips. Saved a lot of money though. Planning to play in a charity event next month (I usually deal, but this time I'm playing). I already warned my coworkers that this time I plan to take them out and keep their chips, rather than just dealing them out. Haha! Christmas was quiet, but good. It wasn't a white Christmas, as some would have hoped, but that's ok. A winter blast earlier in the month gave us more than enough, thank you very much. Well, that's it for now. I probably won't be back until 2014. Happy New Year! TTFN~!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Yes, it's the week before Christmas and I am on vacation. Yes, I was online for work this morning. It's normal for me if I'm not going anywhere. I like to clean up reports, get some things that I get daily. I was told by 2 co-workers to get offline! I was only on for about an hour, then I shut it down, packed it up, and haven't looked at it since. Tomorrow I will do the same thing, except I have to get on 2 conference calls. Both are ones I must be on. Business continues and because it's the holiday season if I don't get on the calls, I won't be able to take care of business next week when I get back. Anthony is home today, so later we are going to play Battleship. I've beaten him 2 matches in a row, and he still wants to keep trying. God love him for that. TTFN~!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Yeah, it's winter (at least it feels like it!). Why would I be posting a blog about baseball now?? Well, an interesting news story has been brought up recently concerning collisions at home plate. They want to ban it (basically because baseball is a "non-contact" sport). Ok, here's my thinking on this. The catcher is the only player on the field wearing protection basically head to toe. They are paid millions of dollars to play a game! And they know the risk of playing catcher. The same way a pitcher knows if he has to cover home plate because of a wild pitch and a runner at 3rd. The runner's "job" is to score! It's a ridiculous rule. Here's the way I see it. You signed a contract, you accepted the risk. The same risk that has been part of the game for over 100 years. More than likely you were a scholarship college player (if you weren't and didn't go to college, well shame on you!) and hopefully you learned something other than how to catch and hit a ball. If, God forbid, you get injured, and you are smart enough to have a backup plan AND to have saved a little bit of your millions of dollars contract, get a regular job like the rest of us who do NOT make millions of dollars (hell, we barely make thousands)! Nuff said!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow but not winter...

Thursday we got a foot of snow! It's Arkansas! That's not right!! Roads have been ice ever since, and now they are saying we could see up to another inch tonight. This is nuts!! Other than that, not much going on. Many changes going on in my office, none involve me directly. I'm staying right where I am. Good or bad, hard to say. I really should do something to improve my standing, but I am happy where I am, and eventually it will get me into some type of leadership role. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking management. Hoping it will lead to some type of "senior" role. But, when I look at a couple of co-workers, they have the "it" factor that I don't. I guess I'm just too old for this shit!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Another week down

This is the first week my local office is in our new building. We are actually right next to where the AMP (Arkansas Music Pavillion) will be, which is great. We are on the 2nd floor and have a balcony outside so when concerts happen, we can be here and listen for free. Loving that part. We are also close to the mall and restaurants (plus new ones opening). The desks are smaller than what we had at the old office, but like anything you learn to deal with it. Everything is wide open. There are no more cubicles, walls or offices. That part takes getting used to. Not much else going on. On a bad streak of luck this month, haven't been able to do shit right. Then got the ultimate slap in the face today. I've been helping out a category for the past few weeks, and today somebody else got acknowledgement for their work. There are a few of us that don't know what he did. I've been the one running reports, writing orders, changing dates, etc., but I don't even get a nod! Frankly that brought my whole day to shit, and this happened at 8:30 this morning! Plus, if/when bonuses are handed out, I can almost guarantee I'll get the short end of that stick (on a rating of 1 to 5, I'll be either a 1 or 2) because the supervisor I had didn't like me much. No big deal there, I didn't care for her either. But because I don't "play the game" and "take it deep" like some other worthless pieces of garbage in this office, or didn't get anyone to pay for a new chest for me, I'll get screwed. Such is life.

Friday, November 8, 2013

So it's been a few...

Not much to talk about. Been playing a little bit of poker, not much. Hopefully have a dealing job coming up in a couple of weeks. Oh wait, have to tell you about this one... Decided to go to Cherokee on Wednesday night to play in the tournament. It's been a LONG time since I've been there for a night tournament. Saw an old poker buddy there, we were at the same table. That was nice. Anyway, they had 46 players, so paying top 5. Of course I finished 6th. No money. Driving home, close to 11pm. As I turn onto the main road to go north and head home, I feel my car pulling to the right something fierce. I started slowing down and heard the "thump thump". Flat front right tire. Great! Late at night, no lights on the road, and I can't even FIND the spare tire. Called a towing company, no help. Suggested that I call my insurance company. Called, and YES! I have towing coverage. Meanwhile, I am hearing coyotes howling! Someone better hurry the fuck up! Long story short, tow truck showed up at midnight and found my spare tire. It's UNDER the car! He asked about changing it, I told him "it's 30 degrees outside, there are coyotes, let's tow and go!" Tried getting to the spare tire yesterday after work, no luck! Gotta figure it out this weekend. Other than that, nothing new. So, TTFN~!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Three weeks...

And I still have ... well, SOMETHING. I don't know if it's still bronchitis, or if it turned into something else. The congestion in my chest has subsided but I am still coughing up a storm. Not a dry cough either (trying to keep this from being too graphic). And now the worst part is I can't even afford to go to the doctor. I screwed up my bank accounts so bad I can't even afford to buy milk! Yes I still have my job, yes Ann is still working. Her paycheck will cover SOME of the negative balance, but have to wait for mine next week to cover the rest. Fucking brilliant on my part, and it's all my fault. I screwed up bill paying and paid everything 10 days earlier than planned. Tried the bank but their hands were tied, and the amount of money it would have cost to fix wasn't going to be worth it. Plus all the time and aggravation. FML (fuck my luck)! In other news, I apparently am all alone. But I have what I have wanted all my life. Respect! Unfortunately that doesn't give you anyone to talk to about anything. Ah well, such is life. Been like this most of my adult life, no point in trying to start new now right? I had someone laughing the other day. I told them I've been involved in customer service for the better part of 28 years, yet I'm not a people person. As a general rule, most people piss me off with their stupidity. Then again, I piss them off with MY stupidity, amongst other traits. Sucks to be me I guess. Hopefully soon, though, I will end up totally alone, and then we'll see what happens.

Monday, October 14, 2013


As you may or may not know, there has been but one constant in my life, and that is music. I can relate to so many songs, way too many to list. There are songs that make me smile, others that make me remember. There are even songs that make me cry because of what they make me remember. As I am typing this I just came across a song that puts my current situation in perspective. It's called "Without You" by Hinder. Yeah, the name of the group does not sound familiar but I have specific stations and this group fits into that genre... The start of the song goes like this: I just wanna be alone tonight I just wanna take a little breather Cause lately all we do is fight And every time it cuts me deeper Cause something's changed You've been acting so strange And it's taking its toll on me It's safe to say, that I'm ready to let you leave Now, for those of you who do not understand why this fits so well ... well, it sucks to be you! Let's just say the past few months have been a roller coaster and I have been asking myself what I did wrong, why did it end so abruptly. It's been haunting me daily, to the point where I lose focus on whatever is going on at that point. I literally cannot see or hear anything or anyone around me. It's consuming (I guess that would be a good word for it). Another couple of lines: We have done a lot of growing up We were never meant to be I finally got my answers, and it's all thanks to this one song. I can finally move on, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Thank you! TTFN~!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Another hump day...

And I damn sure can't wait to get humped. Haha! Bronchitis now on its 8th day. Still coughing, though it feels like the phlegm in my chest is starting to break. Can't get any of it to come up and out though. Staying on the medication the doctor gave me, and if no better by Friday morning will follow up again. Cable coming today, getting an upgrade on my DVR system. Looking forward to just recording in one room. Much easier! Best part is only $5 more per month. Can't complain about that considering the convenience. Been doing alot of thinking lately. Not much else to do, work has been slow! Trying to figure out what went wrong, where it went wrong, WHY it went wrong. Actually, I know already WHY it went wrong. Ah well. There is a quote from a movie that I am looking forward to experiencing (please keep in mind I'm paraphrasing) ... I'd rather stand alone for the right reasons than with others for the wrong reasons. Looking back at some lessons I've learned recently, it's time to stand on my own. People ("friends") come and go. When they feel nostalgic, or need a fix, they contact me. When they are over it, they are gone. The only constant in my life is me. Hell, sometimes not even me actually! Hey, some interesting news here. I haven't been travelling on Long Island much recently. The trip I took in June got a vast majority of it out of my system. I was supposed to go back this week, but obviously that didn't happen. I will go back again though. Not sure when, but I will return. Right now I have some great memories of my time there, and I use those when I feel lost.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How long since last post??

Honestly not real sure. Didn't go back and look. Not much happened in the past couple of weeks. The Buffalo Bills are 2-2, which is a little better than I thought they would be. There is hope, as they have been in all 4 games and not gotten blown out. Hockey starts this week, excited for that. Did not order the TV package though. Need to save money. The more I try to save, the less I end up with. Haven't figured that out yet. Dealt a poker tournament Sunday, which was great. Would have been even better if I wasn't sick. It started Saturday, I thought it might have been allergies because of the turn in the weather. Sunday was a little worse, yesterday was horrible, and today even worse. Have a doctor appointment at 4pm. The scary part of this, and I won't tell anyone except maybe the doctor, is when I cough I think I may be tasting a little iron. Not sure so will let him make the diagnosis. Because of this sickness I am working from home. Don't want to bring this to work. Such a nice guy I am, huh? hahahah! The new TV season is great so far. HIMYM is in the final season (I think), and it seems to be going along nicely. The dramas are back (Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Revenge, Once Upon A Time). Those look good so far. And some new ones! S.H.I.E.L.D. is phenomenal so far, and so is Hostages. Still have to watch Deception, not sure if I'm going to like that one, but I'll give it a shot. New comedies too, which have gone 50/50. Will see about those. Thank you for following. Hopefully this is not my last post! TTFN~!

Friday, September 20, 2013


Feels like it's been more than 1 week since my last post. Wound up playing in a charity poker tournament last Friday night and finished 3rd. Picked up some nice prizes, and the money raised went to a good cause. Work has been normally busy which is good for me. Today I could have written my next promotion but really wasn't in the mood, so going to hit the office tomorrow morning and write it. Won't take more than a couple of hours. Not much going on this weekend except FOOTBALL! Love the fall season. Then next week, all the prime time shows are back. Going to wind up burning out my DVR! Hope everyone is having a great week and enjoy your weekend! TTFN~!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

Usually this is one of my favorite days. While others feel it's a "bad luck" day, I see it as just the opposite. However, this Friday the 13th is the exception. I am in a foul mood, and have been all day. Can't get the stuff I need to do my job. And too many thoughts (and realizations) running through my mind. For starters, I know why my "friend" stopped contacting me. OK, so let me back up a bit. For the past 25 years, I have been viewed as an asshole for my actions. That's fine. It was the proper label. However, I've chnaged. I've proved that. And I was patient. However, someone says something, and instead of being an adult and asking about it, I get ignored. Bad, BAD idea! You see, you have to understand something. I have absolutely nothing to lose. You can say whatever you want about me, feel however you want about me, and THINK you are "ruining my life". However, I'm the one that has plenty of information. What? Your home address. As I said, I have absolutely NOTHING to lose. Everything I've ever had is gone and I'm at a point where I just don't care. Also, you know me well enough that you won't know when it's coming. I tend to plan things out sometimes WAY too much! It could be days, weeks...but neither of you will know what hit you. The other part is I know WHO caused my friend and I to stop communicating. That person is in for one helluva shock too. They think they did good, things are "back to normal". Hahaha! There is another one that will not know what hit them.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Just ranting...

It's amazing how so many people can turn their backs on a person, and basically all at the same time. You ask for things, they ignore it. They are not difficult requests. This is job related AND personal related, in case you are wondering. Job related: people don't do their jobs. Then I get to the office early the next morning to make sure things were done, find out they aren't, and they are on bankers hours! WTF!?!? Personal related: someone tells you they care .. BULLSHIT! Job related issues: well, I have to deal with it and use my follow-up skills to make sure things get corrected timely and without errors, because if things don't go right, I get the blame regardless of the "paper trail" Personal related issues: Fuck you! And thank you for reminding me DTA! (Don't Trust ANYONE!)

Friday, August 30, 2013

99% no luck whatsoever

Today I went for jury duty. There were only 2 days left that I was on call, and of course I get called. It is a civil trial, I will not post anything about it. All I will say is I made it to the random pool of 21 jurors and was lucky enough to NOT get called. That's about the only good thing that has happened to me in the month of August. I have made up my mind on one thing, and hopefully this will carry me to good fortune in the future. I'd rather stand alone on my own two feet than be with anyone who feels it's up to them to hold me up. I've made a decision that until further notice, I will be staying in Arkansas, unless a wonderful job opportunity opens up. If it does, and the move makes sense, I will go. However, I will not allow any outside circumstance affect my decisions any longer. It's up to me and only me. I'm giving up on any happiness that may have been pointed in my direction, as it's pointless. Things love to be dangled in front of me to see if I'll bite. Well, guess what. I wiggled my way off the hook and I know not to look back for it again. As I said in my previous post, if something is meant to be it will be. However, I'm not looking for it any more. Fate will decide my future, but I'll be damned if I let it try to control me any longer!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Haven't forgotten...

Some may think that because of my recent "attitude change" that I've forgotten things. It's quite the opposite actually. I remember much more than people think. However, I have to do what's right for me. I've been down the road before and ran into a couple of guardrails. Knocked me off track, cost me a job and eventually a home. Not doing that again! What needs to be done will be done, that's for me and nobody else. If other things happen, well that's just God telling me I'm happy and satisfied with myself, and now can make another happy. If not, then I know where the next road leads, and I'll travel it alone until such time He tells me otherwise. To those of you who understand that, more power to you. For those of you who don't, there could be one of two reasons: 1 - It doesn't apply to you 2 - It's none of your business TTFN~!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sorry it's been awhile

So much shit going on it's hard to know where to start... Let's just give a summary, shall we?? Had an opportunity to TRY to work in CT, but decided against it. Can't afford it and it's not home! Wife and I will be divorcing, just working out the financials. Thought about where I would like to go, and right now the decision is to stay in Arkansas for the foreseeable future. I am lucky to have a good job with a nice salary. As for some random thoughts... If the mommy and daddy are together to take care of the baby, you step away from it If it's the same BS, you do whatever you can to get away from it If you are not happy with yourself and your life, how are others going to be happy for you and with you Dealing a poker tournament on Saturday, can't wait! TTFN~!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


It's been the week from hell at work. Earlier this week it was discovered that I had "bad numbers" in a specific spreadsheet I've been working with ALL YEAR, which has caused orders to be incorrect. It's been 2 days of hell trying to work with our customer to figure out the best way to handle the inventory. I am no longer involved in this, but I was the one that started it. Shame on many for not catching this MUCH sooner, but mostly shame on me, because it was my error that caused it. I am not even sure where the error came from. All I know is I'm the one who was responsible for making sure the spreadsheet formulas were correct and I did not do that. Needless to say I feel like shit! This is not reflecting well on the new big boss that just came into our office a couple of weeks ago, nor with the team lead who is leaving and has to let the new team lead coming in what I did. So much for looking good to get moved! Hopefully I can get some good recommendations from a couple of co-workers I trust so I can get a job with another company when it's time for me to go. Today I found out that I have five (5) promotions which will all ship at the end of the month. Good luck with that! I have the easy part. Put the orders together, count the number of trucks, report the number of trucks to transportation, then write the orders. The hard part is going to be figuring out if we can ship all of the orders I'm going to write. TTFN!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Long Island

It's Monday night, and I'm in my hotel room. Coffee from 7-11 in hand, watching WWE Raw. Tomorrow going away with a very special person in my life. Can't wait! OK, let's back up a bit. I'm sure that last statement confused some. After 20 years of marriage, I have advised my wife I will be filing for divorce when I return from my vacation. I am tired of all of the bullshit, the lack of emotion. I love the woman, she is the mother of my child, but I am not in love with her, and have not been for a long time. Please note, this decision was made a long time ago. The only reason I stuck around so long was because of my son. Now that he is 19 and basically scared of me because I yell at him when he acts like an asshole or doesn't want to learn, it's time for me to make myself happy. And I cannot be happy continuing to live the way I have been living for the past 20 years. Enough is enough. Meeting an old friend and falling in love with her all over again was something that was not planned. It was an innocent contact to try to get a friend back. No matter what we've been through, whether together or apart, we've always been able to be there for one another in one form or another. We are easy and fast friends, and can talk about anything, past or present. Even the future. And in a few months, hopefully we will be able to start new lives together, and finally be happy (which is something we both rightfully deserve). TTFN

Friday, June 14, 2013

A little over 18 hours...

And I leave for my first real vacation in what feels like forever. I am not bringing my work laptop with me. I am not checking late trucks. I am not worried about promotions. I am going to Long Island to enjoy time home. Will be there 8 nights, which seems like a long time, but isn't if plans work out. Seems to have fallen apart at this point, but I am still hoping for something to work right. The only set plan I have is fishing Sunday (Father's Day) morning. Reservation on the boat already set. There is also night fishing, which I've done once and was not the most enjoyable night of my life. If I go again, I make sure we are not going out on the ocean. Next post from Long Island (some time over the next 9 days) TTFN!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


But not soon enough. I don't leave for Long Island for another 3 1/2 days (flight out Saturday early afternoon). Then, for the next 8 days, I will know true love and happiness. I can't wait. I am having a very hard time containing my excitement. I want to stand on the rooftop and shout but I can't. Mostly because I'm afraid of heights! That's one reason I'm short. So far my week at work has gone fast, which I didn't expect. I figured it to drag and for all kinds of shit to "blow up" on me. But so far so good. Tomorrow a co-worker comes back from a mini vacation and I will be training him all afternoon to cover my business. In the morning, I have to work with another co-worker on how to write a promotion he's never seen before. Plus I have to make sure my work gets done somewhere in there. Not too worried though. I know I can get it done. My focus has recently been and now always will be on the future. It's time for me to be happy! TTFN

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dear Dad...

I didn't realize it until today, but yesterday marked 25 years since you've been gone. I think about you often, and wonder what my life would have been like if you weren't taken away from me so early on in my life (and were too young to go). I wish you were around today. You would be so proud of me. I am finally making things right. I found the perfect woman 28 years ago (you unfortunately never had the chance to meet her) and after this length of time, I am finally grown up and able to love her the way she deserves. Hopefully you are looking down and smiling... I miss you Dad!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Been a few days...

What an up and down week this was. All week at work has been busy, which is not a totally bad thing. I put in the hours because I love my job, and I know they appreciate what I do. Unfortunately I don't I am trying to get ahead of it all because I am on vacation in 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS!! YES!! Then I'm on a plane and will be on Long Island for 8 glorious nights! Why 8 nights? OK, I'll fill you in on some of my plans. First, let me say I did not realize that the first Sunday I'm there is Father's Day. Oops! Oh well, such is life. I'll finally get a gift I can appreciate. I am going fishing Sunday morning! There are boats that leave at 5, 6 and 7am. Each go fluke fishing, which is kinda boring. You drop your line in the water and wait. But, being out on the water with the sunshine and the fresh air, oh there is little like it. It's very relaxing, and that's something I haven't done in way too many years. Sunday night? Well, that depends. I could go night fishing (stripers, weakfish) if no plans are forthcoming. I will hopefully know by Sunday afternoon. I'm hoping NOT go to fishing Sunday night, because I know I will have a much better time if other plans come through, but will see what happens. During the week, I plan to hit Carvel (an ice cream shop), an Italian bakery (need me some good cannoli pastry), and, believe it or not, go to a cemetery. This is not something I have discussed with anyone, but I must go and pay my respects to someone I loved who passed away and I was unable to attend the funeral. All other plans are a secret! Shhhh! All I know is in 13 days from now, I will be home. Going to be hell to get me to leave once I'm there. TTFN!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day...

Memorial Day: a day we give thanks to those who fought for what we have. Thank you! Went to the office today and caught up on a lot of work. Going on vacation in 18 days and want to get as far ahead as I can so whoever covers me will not have too much to do other than the normal day to day stuff. Plus, I don't want any phone calls from work unless the building is on fire and they have to save my bobbleheads!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Early (and I mean EARLY) in the morning...

It's just past 1:30am here, and I just got back from a home poker game. Played 2 tournaments, and lost in both. Then played a cash game and was up over $60. One bad hand and most of it was gone. Three hands later, the rest was gone. On the plus side, I came in 2nd place in a tournament last night, and didn't lose nearly the amount I won in that tournament, so it is OK in the end. Had a good time. Now just very tired. Drove home feeling like I was drunk, so made sure I drove slowly and carefully (wow I sound old!). Now it's time for a 3-day weekend. Too bad I will be monitoring emails for work all weekend and working on Monday. Such is life. TTFN!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thank you...

Sorry, this is a short post because I have to get something from my mind into this blog... Twenty-eight years ago, I met my future. Sometimes, though, fate has other plans for me, and caused me to let my future go in a different direction without me. Today, I have found the path again. This time, there is no way that someone is pushing me off. So, to that someone special, please remember the song by Air Supply "Two Less Lonely People In The World".

Monday, May 20, 2013

Gone too long...

And for that I am sorry. I have had so much going on both at work and at home, that I wound up putting something I loved doing under a blanket and hiding. Well, guess what? I found my way out. Trust me when I say (1) it's about fucking time (2) I have not been this happy in a LONG LONG time! This past Sunday, I flew to CT for a business trip. Went through OMU (Order Management University). My boss knows I knew most of what they were going to teach but she knew I have never been to the home office and wanted me to go there to see everyone and say hello. She also offered me a chance to go home to L.I. for the weekend and Unilever would pay for the ticket home this Sunday rather than Friday if the price wasn't too much more. It was $9 more, so I got to stay. Went to L.I. on Friday and just got home about an hour ago. I had the BEST time there. Friday night, I went to a diner for dinner and texted a dear friend who I haven't spoken to in way too long. I didn't know what to expect, and I was more than pleasantly surprised that she was glad to hear from me. After a short text conversation and plans to meet Saturday for coffee, I went driving for a couple of hours around the old neighborhood. Saturday, we were not meeting until noon, and I was up at 7, so I showered and went driving around some more. Went to Captree State Park, which is where I did all my fishing when I was a kid. Then went to meet my friend for coffee, and we talked for a couple of hours. After that, I went back to my hotel roosm for awhile, hoping we were going to meet up again that evening. I texted her around 7pm, and she said she probably couldn't make it out. So, I went out driving again to look at a few more areas I hadn't gotten to. Then she texted me later and said she could be by me about 8:30. Oh shit! I'm on the other side of the county and have NO way of turning my car around. Have to beat her back! LOL! I made it back to my hotel before she got to the area, so that worked. We met at D&B for a little while but it was so loud we couldn't talk. So we went to my hotel room and sat on the couch talking until 4am. Then today, I went to Belmont Race Track and stayed until about 3pm, then went to the airport to fly back to Arkansas. Next month (26 1/2 days) I am going back to Long Island for 6 days! You have NO idea how excited I am. Why? I don't have to rush around to see everything. I get to go fishing. I get to go to a casino and NOT rush around. But most of all, and what I didn't expect until this weekend was almost over, is that I get to see the person I have wanted in my life my entire life. Twenty plus years ago, I met this woman and knew she was the one. Unfortunately circumstances in my life caused me to be bitter, rude, insensitive, and basically a sonofabitch to her. More than once actually. It took me a very long time, but I've finally grown up. Now, please don't get me wrong... I love this woman more than anyone I've ever loved in my entire life. And I have a lifetime of making up to do to her. I brought her more pain and heartache than any three people combined deserve. OK, I know what you may be thinking, and you are wrong. This is not about lovemaking or sex. This is about having someone in my life who understands me and accepts me for who I am. She doesn't see the crossed eyes. She doesn't see the out of shape, overweight short person. She doesn't see the scars on my face from all of the acne I've had to endure over the years. She sees ME. And she loves me for who I am. She knows my heart, and she has it. She has from the very beginning and she always will. What we were able to discover Saturday night is that I have finally grown up. I have stopped being inconsiderate if she says she can't make it. I realized that the one thing I want for her is to be happy. If that means her and I just stay friends, and she finds love with someone else, that's fine. But I'll be damned, I am never letting her out of my life again! She has my heart, my soul, and my love for as long as she wants it. Well, I should go get some sleep. It's late, and I have to get up in about 5 hours for work. I promise you, my loyal reader, that I am back, I am improved, and I will make sure to post more regularly. PS: Out of respect, I do not use names in my blogs unless the person I am referring to specifically asks me to use it. Even then, I usually won't out of respect for their privacy. However, if she reads it, and I hope she will and didn't mind my babble, I hope this makes her smile. I have been smiling all day just remembering the time we spent together on Saturday. And yes, I have guilt for not noticing the haircut on Saturday night. Her hair really did look great, but I was continually trying to focus on her beautiful eyes. TTFN!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Too long...

I know, it's been a LONG time since my last post. I haven't forgotten, just have a lot going on in my personal life that has not allowed me time to post or even think straight. Just so you are aware, things are now improving (hopefully) but it's going to be awhile before things are back to "normal" in my life. Next week I am on vacation! Will still "monitor" work activity, but will not be actively participating in anything.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The day after Super Bowl 47

I didn't feel like using the Roman numerals... What a game. The final score was Baltimore Ravens 34 San Francisco 49ers 31. I called that, I swear to God I did! And what a game... At the half, the Ravens were up 21-6 at the half. The start of the 3rd quarter saw a kick to the Ravens taken back 108 yards to the house in 11 seconds. After the 49ers got the ball back, they had a 3rd and 13 when the lights went out. Sabotage? I think so! There was a 34 minute delay and it was like 2 new teams got on the field. After the 3rd quarter was over it was 28-23. The Ravens got a field goal to make it 31-23 and then San Francisco scored to make it 31-29. Now, before I go further, I have to tell you. I had 2 boxes, and one of my sets of numbers was Ravens 4 San Fran 1. There was still some time on the clock and SF went for the 2-point conversion. Well, this is great. Make it 31-31, and the Ravens get the ball. If they can keep the damn ball and kill some clock, kick a late field goal, I win! Well, SF missed the 2-pt'er. 31-29. Well crap! The Ravens then did what they needed to do, which was get another field goal. 34-29. I have half of what I need. But still too much time on the clock. SF runs the ball down, gets a 1st and goal inside the 10, under 4 minutes. They do NOT get in with all 4 downs they had. Ravens get the ball back with just under 2 minutes on the 5-yard line. OK, analysis in my head says I need SF to hold and maybe get a safety. 1st, 2nd and 3rd downs Ravens run the ball and go nowhere. They face a 4th down and have to punt. There are 13 seconds left when the ball is snapped. The punter does NOT punt the ball, but runs around until there is 4 seconds left and gives SF the safety. Score: Ravens 34 San Fran 31. Ravens punt, SF cannot run it back for a TD, clock expires! I WIN $200!!!!! I screamed for 10 minutes after that! Danced a bit too. Not good for my knee, but I didn't realize that until this morning. Today get my taxes done. Pray I don't owe!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome to February

This weekend it's Super Bowl! Baltimore Ravens vs San Francisco 49ers. Looking forward to the commercials! Not much going on with me. Dealt a poker tournament fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club last weekend. My legs hurt SO BAD because the chairs were too low for the tables, so I was standing and squatting alot to reach cards and chips. Now my knee hurts like hell. Sucks getting old! Work has been busy as hell, which I appreciate. Getting things accomplished. I like that! Other than that...nuthin!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another day in the life...

Nothing going on. Finally, FINALLY getting over the flu and bronchitis. Whatever was in my chest is finally breaking up and coming out. Right on time too. I'm dealing at the Poker Tournament Fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club on Saturday. Good timing too, because I need the money. Otherwise it will be ALOT of pasta for dinner over the next few weeks. Made reservations for March to take Ann to Downstream for our anniversary. Can't get it on our actual anniversary, so doing the weekend before. Can't do the weekend after because that's Easter, and that would just be tacky. Besides, I'm on vacation the week BEFORE Easter, so it makes life easier. Other than that, nothing going on. Hockey is back, which I am happy about.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Turned the page...

Finally starting to feel "better" after the flu hit me a couple of weeks back. Still losing weight (15 lbs in 2 weeks, what a diet!). Starting to eat more, but it sits in my stomach pretty bad. Thankfully haven't gotten sick yet today, but there are still a few hours left. Sleeping has been great the past few days, aside from the stupid dreams/nightmares which I barely remember. All I recall is I am constantly lost in my dreams. When I wake up, though, I'm rather refreshed. Just a bit lightheaded is all. Other than that, everything is normal. Revving up for ice cream season, which means in about a week or so I'm going to be bombarded with work. I like that though. Going to be challenging as we have much going on, but I can handle it. Just hope the warehouses can.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Great start to 2013

Don't get sick! I had a bad cough last week and went to the doctor. He diagnosed me with bronchitis and a sinus infection and gave me meds. Said I should start feeling better over the weekend. Now I have a 102.4 degree fever and ache everywhere. I can't sleep for any period of time because I wake up choking to the point I can't breathe. Ann just went out to get me some Motrin. Hopefully this will help with the fever.