Saturday, November 22, 2008

Child's Play

I don't understand children anymore. And I think I am going to give up trying. My son has a friend, we'll call her "A" (must be something about that initial). Well, a few months ago, she TOLD my son that they were boyfriend/girlfriend, and even asked him out. Well, I decided to let him go on this "date" and at the end of it, she broke up with him. He was upset, but I talked to him and he seemed to be OK with it. There are plenty of young ladies out there, and he's got plenty of time to meet them. Well, about a month or so later, "A" called and they were friends again. He's even been to her house a couple of times. Well, she called today and asked if he could come over, and of course they are friends, so he went. Well, about an hour in, she told him they were no longer friends. His response? "Whatever" is what he told her. He came home, I could obviously see he was upset, but again, I talk to him and try to convince him it's OK. He has other friends. They have removed one another from their MySpace page, which works for me.

I've seen some of the stuff that this girl posts, and I am ashamed that they allow teenagers to access this site, post such vulgarity, and there are no monitors (or PARENTS!!) to remove it.

To my son, Anthony, whom I respect as a person and trust his judgement to do the right thing, I say good riddance to bad rubbish. He is so much better off without this girl. I understand she may have some personal issues, but now she has screwed with this kid twice, and he will be plenty smart enough to not let her do it a third time.