Saturday, November 1, 2008

November 1st....

I went to Wal-Mart this morning, like I do every Saturday morning, to do the grocery shopping. I was in an especially good mood because yesterday, we had all of FOUR trick-or-treaters, and my wife bought 3 bags of candy! More for me not to be able to chew. PLUS, my son went with a friend to a Halloween party at the church on the corner, and they were back 10 minutes later, because they didn't find it enjoyable (it's aimed towards younger kids, they are both 14). So, they decided to trick-or-treat themselves. There's another 1/2 pillowcase of candy there. More I can't eat WOOHOO!

Anyway, while strolling through the grocery store....wait, who am I kidding? I RUN through it. Get shopping done in 14 minutes or less, it's wonderful...I tune my ears in to listen to the overhead music playing. What do my ears here? Christmas music. Look y'all. I know we're into the "season" but it's 75 degrees here today, not even a cloud in sight, never mind a snowflake. It's a bit TOO early to think about Christmas. Let me get through Election Day at least! But noooooo.

So what do I do? I tune it out. HA! You thought I was going to say I started singing along. No way! Don't want to think about Christmas until black Friday (went last year, had a blast!). That is the best day to shop. The stores open at 5am, so I leave my house around 4:45am, get a good parking spot way in the back, and when I get in the store, scout for the shortest lines. Most people are going for the "popular" gifts, so I avoid those at all costs. Why? Manufacturers have more, and the closer you get to the holiday, the cheaper those items get. Smart huh? Eh!

Well, that's it for now. Arkansas plays Tulsa in 35 minutes, and I have to get my lunch before the game so I can watch it the old fashioned way....on the radio. No way I'm paying $34.99 to watch it on Pay-Per-View. That's Denny's for three (which we may do tonight *smile*). TTFN!
