Well, it's the start of another week, and this time it's the start of a new month: November. Thanksgiving is 24 days away, and that means a 4-day weekend (except for those of us who work from home), black Friday for shopping (I can't wait to get up at 4:30 am to do that one again), and basketball, hockey and football seasons are in full swing. I don't watch basketball, but I think college games go then also, don't they? WOO PIG SOOIEE! Go Arkansas!
Going to enroll for college this week. Finally got the kick in the asteroid I need to get motivated and actually do this. There goes 9 years of my life (that's for an associates!).
I have to keep this short. Orders will be coming through soon, and I am the only CSA here. My counterpart went to deliver a baby. OK, she's the coach, but you get the idea. Remind me one day to post about the day my son was born. Interesting story (for me...for my wife it was a different story).