Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nothing much...

Realized haven't put anything here in a few days, and didn't want you to worry. I'm still here, it's just been a very busy week. Worked Monday through Wednesday at work, then put in 4 1/2 hours at home on Thursday (yes, Thanksgiving), plus another 2 hours on Friday. Didn't go shopping Friday morning. Nobody had anything that I wanted, so I was able to sleep in (slept until 7:15am WOOHOO!). Yesterday, I actually planned on cleaning the house, going through my son's room and getting rid of things that he does not play with anymore, things that don't fit, etc. By the time I was done with work, I sat on the couch and didn't want to get up.

Today I'm hoping to get away for a couple of hours, but not positive on that yet. I've been so addicted to Yahtzee on Pogo lately that I hate leaving my laptop.

Well, that's it for now. Have a great weekend all!