Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What's in a title...

Welcome to Wednesday, and another exciting (ho-hum) post by me...the Skorpster! No that's not my new nickname, that's just my mood. I've been at work since 7:30am, it's now about 10:30am, and my work is about done. I have one set of orders to write after they are approved, and that's it. I'm hoping I can work from home this afternoon, but not sure if I'll get to. There's nothing on my calendar though. Will see what happens.

Watched Heroes last night. Had to...tried watching it Monday night but it failed miserably, so I paid attention last night. Very interesting. And now I'm confused again. What's to become of Hiro? Dunno! Will find out next week.

Have an interview tomorrow, which will not go well. I have to be enrolled in college in order to get this promotion, and I told my boss yesterday I have no intention of enrolling for January. I don't plan to start until September 2009. I don't even know why I still have the interview, but I do *shrug* Will give it my best, but not looking at it as an opportunity to do anything but brush up on my interview skills (look up and left when thinking and do not say hearing "Jeopardy" theme while doing it).

Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks. Anthony has that whole week off from school. He's so lucky. Ann and I both have the Thursday and Friday off. Black Friday shopping is up in the air. It depends on what Wal-Mart has on sale.

Well, that's it for now. Just an FYI, this is how I feel today...
