OK, I've put it off, and now it has come back to haunt me. I have an extremely painful sore in my mouth where I still have a few teeth left. The teeth aren't any good, I already know this, but the thought of spending all of that money right before Christmas is not the biggest thrill in my life. Now I don't think I have a choice. I have an eval appointment tomorrow, hopefully the doctor can do something with the egg-size swell on the side of my face, and ease some of the pain. Then I'll find out how much it will be to pull the teeth and decide from there. Of course, I will have to get them pulled, and if I wait until next year, my deductible starts over. Will see what happens tomorrow, unless I take a sharp object and do something real stupid before then. If I wake up at 2am looking for ice like I did last night, this is a possibility.