Well, yesterday was Election Day. It was also my birthday. As much as I tried to be quiet about it, my co-workers had a cake for me. That was nice, until I went to blow out the candles. Please note, I just had a cigarette. I blew the candles but 3 of them would not go out. Hell, I have to quit smoking. Then I blew again and one went out. The other 2 stayed lit. OK, I REALLY have to quit now. Then 2 candles lit back up! TRICK CANDLES! Bad joke to play on the smoker! But got some laughs out of it. Good cake too!
Well, the idea of leaving work at 3 was just that, an idea. Like most of them that I have, they do not become reality. I left at 4:30, and spoke to my wife who was already there. She said the wait wasn't too bad, maybe an hour tops. Anthony was at a "lock-in" at school until 7, so we had time to vote, eat and relax before one of us went to pick him up. Got out of the polls at 5:45pm, got home, warmed up a slice of pizza and sat on my couch to watch an Islanders/Rangers hockey game.
After the 1st period was over, Ann went to get Anthony. When she got him, he told her he hurt his finger during gym, and that was 8 hours earlier. Before they got home, I put my jeans and a clean shirt on, knowing where I would be during the 3d period of a great hockey game. Sure enough, I took one look at his finger, it was swollen, and off we went. The good thing is, it's only a slight sprain, so we have his finger wrapped with another (they call it the buddy system).
Great birthday huh? Leftover pizza, missed the BEST period of a great hockey game. Oh, there was one good thing. The nurse that came in to the room to x-ray Anthony's finger! WOW!! Made the whole trip worth while. Before you judge me, I told the wife. She laughed. She knows me all too well.
Today, we have a new president-elect. Barack Obama. I wish him the best, and hopefully the government incoming will be able to not screw us the way the government outgoing has been doing for the past few months. Not going to debate this with anyone. I'm just glad Arkansas passed the lottery bill. I didn't like having to drive 25 minutes to play powerball, that I only spent $5 on anyway when the jackpot was high.
Well, that's about it for now. More work heading my direction. TTFN!