Wednesday, December 28, 2011

That time of year...

You know, I had a topic in mind to start today, but then I had to come up with a "title" for this monstrosity (sp? oh, who the hell cares!). There really is no rhyme or reason for the titles of my post, but I'm really getting tired of coming up with them. I would date it, but the date appears below it (or above it, it's there somewhere!). Ah well.

So the Christmas holiday has come and gone. It was very quiet in the house this year. Anthony is getting more and more difficult to shop for. He's at the age of either games for the X-Box or clothing. Games are expensive, and clothes are boring. YAY! Ann got some sweaters and pajamas. Very exciting. I got socks and sweats, both I need. Also she bought me a new chain but I've gained so much weight it doesn't fit around my neck. Have to return it and get a longer one.

Now I'm on vacation. There isn't much money for anything, so poker is out this week. I could go Saturday, which is New Year's Eve. Unfortunately Ann's payday is Monday and she lost 2+ days of work being ill. We are also trying to figure out if we are going to go anywhere for NYE. Most likely we will do nothing. We are boring!

At least I have Netflix and my own X-Box to keep me occupied.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Almost a merry...

Still a couple of days to go. However, there is only 1 more day until I am on "vacation" as it is well known. I will be online Saturday through Monday, then leave my laptop on so emails that need to get forwarded will automatically be sent.

Work has been WAY too quiet this week. It's getting to a point that I am going to log in to Netflix tomorrow and watch a movie while I work.

Missing those that are not with me in Arkansas this year, when I would like them to be.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Not sure exactly what the hell that means. It's early (before 8am). I have been awake for over an hour. Wife woke up not too long ago, which makes the house real loud immediately. It's amazing. Doesn't matter what she does OUTSIDE the bedroom, it's all loud. Other room? Yeah. Must be me. One of these days maybe I'll learn what to do .

Last night was the team Christmas party from work. I wasn't able to make it. I truly appreciate the fact that the managers do this, they open up one of their homes to allow us in and have a great time. I went last year (Ann wasn't able to go, she was sick) and had a great time. Then again. last year people that I actually liked went. This year, the co-workers are more "clicky" than ever, and the ones that I would have enjoyed hanging out with are either no longer with the company or weren't going. Being the boss "knows how I am" he probably won't say much.

Next week is Christmas. Then my vacation! Woohoo!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Great dinner...

Met with an old (me) and dear (her) friend last night for dinner with another from work. Had a great time. Thank you again so very much for picking it up. It was greatly appreciated, and so fantastically wonderful seeing you again.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Well hello there...

Yes, it's been a few days. Been doing various things, none of which I should be doing. I've been sleeping too much, eating things that should not be part of my diet, and not going to the gym. This past Saturday, I played poker and shouldn't have. Lasted 2 hands and lost. It was a rebuy tournament, which means I could have bought back in, but I decided not to. Instead, I came home, made my grocery list and went shopping.

It's a fairly quiet week at work this week, which is good. It means I can continue to train my new partner and get her used to the perishable business. I am also looking very forward to next year, and all of the potential new items. Please note there is MUCH sarcasm in that last sentence. Actually, I hate being as slow as I am currently, but with a partner it actually makes it tolerable. She's learing fast, and soaking in the information like a sponge. It's great! I owe a lot to my former boss for seeing the potential in her, and knowing that she and I would work well together...especially when I work much better alone more often than not.

Christmas is in 13 days! That means my vacation is in 15 days. I have a 10-day weekend and only have to use 4 days. Thank you weekends and holidays. Actually, will be online both Monday's just to clear a couple of reports, but that's ok because I'm not on vacation those days ! Soooooo, I can't get in trouble !

Hoping 2012 will end up being a better year than 2011. Will see what happens.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Past few days have been fairly quiet for me. Then again, I've been fighting off what the doctor is calling a sinus infection. I've been on medication since Thursday, but can't seem to shake the cough. It's like a tickle in my chest. It's been quieter than the past couple of days, but not fully gone yet.

Had a good laugh at work today. In order for you to laugh with me, we have to go back about 3 weeks or so. Someone at work (a temp) decided he was a racecar driver, and while I was backing out of my spot (and thankfully, my co-worker, who I left with wasn't backing out), he decided to not bother stopping and cut me. I caught a glimpse of the license plate, but had a real good idea of who it was. The next day, in the office, I confronted him about it ... in front of others. When I confronted him about it, he laughed and tried to make a joke out of it, totally ignoring the fact that someone could have been hurt, including a pregnant woman! I told him if he thinks it's a joke, to keep laughing, and I'll make sure he doesn't cut anyone off anymore. That I will slash all of his fucking tires. That's pretty much how I put it too.

Well, apparently the "f" word offended someone, because they called Human Resources on me and put in a complaint. Now ... me cursing is not uncommon. However, I have been MORE than good the past few months. I've been careful. Sometimes my emotions get the better of me, this I know. But after ONE infraction, they don't have the balls to go to someone IN the office to say "hey, Nick has to be careful." No, they put in a formal complaint against me.

Today I had a conversation of what I'd like to do in the future with the company I am with. I mentioned again about being the senior CSA. You know what? I'm now thinking against it. I want to help those that will pull that crap? Nope, I don't think I do. I was told to do for me. That's what I'm going to do.

Next year (a month away) I will be getting in touch with a recruiter who has recently gotten in touch with me. I will have them update my resume and I will be sending it out. No more excuses of "I'm old" or "I have no teeth, so who would want me" or anything like that. It's time for ME. To hell with those that don't even care whose career they may cause turmoil to. And trust me, when I leave (yes, WHEN), this will be said OUT LOUD to my fellow CSA's.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November's over...

But my cold has just begun. I hate being sick. I remember when I didn't get sick. I also wasn't 165 lbs. Right now I'm watching Last Man Standing on my DVR. This show is TOO funny! Makes it difficult to type. Also, my laptop is starting to not work well. The S and X keys are not always responsive. If a word comes out really wierd, try adding one of those letters somewhere. You'll make the word out.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday night...

And here I sit. It's 9:49pm CST and my wife and I are sitting watching a movie on Netflix. It's called Net Games. Pretty good movie actually. Before that we watched Legendary. It's a WWE movie. Pretty good too.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and that means it's workout day! The original plan was to go today but I went to play poker instead. I had thought I'd be home early, but wound up not getting home until almost 2:30. So, we moved it out a day. Actually feeling pretty good after the workout the other day, which is surprising.

And now it's late, I sit watching a movie, and will see what happens afterwards. Have a great night.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

And with that ... workouts SUCK! I am really trying to get into some kind of shape (hell, ANY shape other than round!). Yesterday after work, I called Anthony and told him to be ready. I know that if I sit down when I get home, it's over. So, to motivate myself, I never sat down. Well, it's been 27 hours since the workout has ended, and my upper body is sore. I worked shoulders, arms and chest. Here's where it gets worse. They say the true soreness comes 24-48 hours after the workout. I do not want to wake up tomorrow in pain! I am also still waiting for the pain in my leg to go away. I have a knot above my knee that Advil is not helping. Maybe some more Icy Hot will do the trick.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Twenty five years

This marks the last time I was in a gym. It was high school, and I had no choice. Phys Ed was required. Being in shape, however, was not! Which was good, because I wasn't. In 42 years, I don't think I've ever been in shape. So, what did I do? I told you I joined a gym. Today Anthony and I went. I thought we would be there about 20 minutes. We stayed 1 1/2 hours. We did the stepmaster, worked our arms, chest, abs and back. I am going to feel BAD in the morning, this I am sure of. Right now, I feel ok.

Other than that, everything is good! Missing my friends though.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Way too early...

Anthony has a school function today and has to report to the bus at 6:45am so we are all awake already. Now ... I could take advantage of this by driving him to the school and then going to the gym. Yes, I said the gym. I joined a gym. What am I, NUTS?!? Actually, it's about that time. I need to do something. Now I just hope it doesn't kill me.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


First, happy birthday to my dad in heaven. Gone 24 years, and I still miss him terribly.

Second, went to the doctor this morning. Blood pressure 128/80, the measured lowest it's been in months. Oxygen level in blood is 96%. They say 95+ is fine. The spots on my lungs are shrinking. This means they are calcifying so they are benign.

What does this all mean? I'm going to live. Sorry y'all!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Well, being besides Wednesday, it's my doctor appointment. I had my chest x-ray yesterday and tomorrow I get the results. I tell people that I hope the doctor finds something. It would explain why I have a hard time breathing. I mean it, but I don't. Will find out tomorrow, will post tomorrow evening.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The bed shook...

It was a friggin' earthquake y'all!! Saturday night, Ann and I went to bed around 10:45pm or so. We knew the clock was to be turned back an hour, but we were still kinda tired *wink*. Eight minutes later, the bed was shaking. It lasted about 10 seconds, not much more. We did not realize what it was until second 9! It registered 5.6 and the epicenter was in Stillwater OK. I don't know how far away that is, nor do I care! However, they felt it for a full minute.

There were 3 the night before (between 2 and 3am I believe) but we did not feel it. Probably because we were sleeping. Felt the one Saturday night though!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

And now back to normal...

My vacation ended. I am happy to report that I never even opened my laptop bag (the one that holds my WORK laptop!) during my time off. Today, however, I worked. I had to clear out my emails, check late trucks and pull reports. Then had to write ice cream orders. Once again, happy to report it's all done.

Played poker again for the 3rd morning in a row. Actually cashed today! Was lucky as hell. Was short stacked (had 7,900 in chips and the blinds were 2,000/4,000), so went all in blind (didn't look at cards). Had Jh 8h and caught trips on the flop to triple up. Wound up finishing 3rd, and ended up winning money for the weekend when all was said and done. Happy Birthday to me HAHAHA!

Tonight, watching the AR/SC football game as well as the AL/LSU football game. Arkansas is winning by 10 at the half (unusual for them), and there is no score in the 2nd quarter in the other game. Some called a low scoring game, I said no. Figuring on a 60+ point total. Oops! LOL!

I am missing my friends something fierce. They know I am thinking of them! They don't know how much though!

Friday, November 4, 2011

So it's my birthday...

Big deal! I went to play poker this morning, and a couple of people knew it was my birthday. Well, then it came out at the table, and they asked me how old I was. When I told them I was 42, the 2 words I heard were "That's it?!?" Yep, this is why I don't tell anyone. I look much older than I am, so the two words I hear are not the words you should here on that day.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Yes, folks, I am taking time off from work. Partially because I am burned out. Partially because I want the rest. Mostly because work told me I can't cancel my time off. LOL! This is the truth, I dislike taking time off. I prefer to be working. But I am seriously in need of "mental health". I am fortunate that I was able to train a co-worker (someone fairly new) to cover my business, and I have trust and faith in this person that she will do a good job. She knows to call me if something blows up and she can't get help on it at the office.

So now, the question is what to do with my time off. The weather is horrible today, so working on the yard is out. Everyone else in the house has work or school, so it will be fairly quiet. There are multiple casino's not that far away. YES! Heehee!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday night...

And again, here I sit. Watching the NY Islanders (hockey) play the SJ Sharks. Ann and I were invited to a party tonight, but I respectfully declined. There is someone at work who says we are friends, that he likes me. I appreciate that. He's a nice person. However, he does not realize my friends are very limited, and he is not currently on the list. One of these days, he will see how often I decline any (and probably all) invitations he extends and get the idea. Until then, I just continue to be myself.

Heard from my TRUE friend the other day. Started with good news. Very good news actually. Then hit with bad news. I will not go into it, this is not the place. I sent her a message back letting her and her family know how I felt and offered myself up if needed. Like the saying goes: "Been there done that" and we have. Well, that's enough about that.

Played some poker today. Also did some work. Should have continued work and skipped poker, but didn't feel like it. It's the weekend. Next week going to be busy, but I'll get through it. Have before.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getting to that point...

Where I am not sure what I give a damn about anymore.

I was all excited when I cleared the bushes out from the front of my house. Now they are all bagged up. Time for the next project.

I'm married. Yay! I cancelled the trip to Downstream for the Brad Garrett concert. I told her I wasn't feeling good. Truth is, I just didn't feel like going. An hour plus in the car with her on the way, spending time with her AT the concert, then an hour plus drive home. Nope. Use the money for the worthy cause it was meant for. Works for me.

Work? Well, I am currently handling ALL of the perishable business. We are supposed to be hiring someone, but then I have to train them. Plus I'm out 2 days next week, and I'll be fucked if they think I'm going to cancel or postpone it. Now they tell me I have 2 more comp days because of a major project our company went through. Big fucking deal! I barely want to take the time I've earned, nevermind extra shit they throw.

Maybe I'm just too old. Maybe I just need to get laid and for it to be any bit exciting again. Who knows! At this point, who cares. I apparently don't at the moment.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

And now not so much...

Like many people, I enjoy watching auto racing. While many times, I watch the race to get a good nap (don't ask, I couldn't explain it), I also watch to see "the big one". This term means a large scale accident that involves many drivers. In NASCAR, the cars, drivers, and tracks have many things put in place to keep everyone involved as safe as possible. The IZOD Indy Car series ... well, not so much. For starters, the cars do not have a roof. Today that proved deadly. At the IZOD Championship race in Las Vegas, NV, there was a 15-car accident. More than one car went airborne and hit the fence that sits over the walls. With regret, Dan Wheldon died from injuries sustained in this accident. The accident itself was a sight to behold. Flames, flying cars ... just wow! Then you see the aftermath, and you know the end result will not be good.

Dan Wheldon leaves behind his wife and 2 young children. Rest in peace Mr Wheldon. You died way too young and will be missed by racing fans everywhere.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Feeling good...

About myself ... for the first time in awhile. And I do not say that very often, without pills or alcohol (or both) in my system. Well, this time I DO have a pill in my system, but that is not the reason for the feeling. I think I mentioned that I went to play poker Tuesday night and played like shit. Well, I knew that Cherokee changed their morning tournaments to $20 buy-in with unlimited $5 rebuys. I figured what the hell. I haven't seen my favorite dealer for 5 weeks and wanted to let her know I was alive. Of course, she was not there. However, before the tournament started I decided to throw $20 into a slot machine. Walked away from that machine 10 minutes before the tournament started with a $270 voucher. WOOHOO! I only then spent a total of $50 on the poker tournament...

NOW, under normal circumstances I would come home and relax, because I now had the money for the $115 tournament at 5pm today. Instead, I put the money in the bank and worked on my yard for 2 1/2 hours. The 5 bushes (there were 6, I took one out last week) in front of my porch are now GONE!! That's right! I chopped them all down. On Monday, Ann will go to get lawn bags and Anthony and I will bag them all up to get picked up on Wednesday. It would be great if I knew someone who could pick them all up for burning, but I don't. Such is life.

Now, Ann is cooking dinner and we are going to watch the NY Islanders/NY Rangers hockey game in a few minutes. And after dinner, I'll take another pill. Life is good!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

So much...

Today was the first full day I've spent in the office in about 2 weeks. We were at the CiiC center, then I was ill and worked from home for a couple of days. Got to sit down with my new boss today. He will hopefully learn not to put me on a time clock. My day cannot actually be timed, because I never know when something is going to come up and screw up my "system".

I also recently found out that there was another person in my office who interviewed for the position, but did not sell themself as they should have. I actually thought this person would apply and get the job. Being this person did not get the job, I get mixed emotions. I'm happy about it because it means I won't become a babbling idiot everytime we have to talk. I'm sad about it because it means I will not have excuses to go talk to this person, even if it means becoming a babbling idiot. Yeah, yeah, I know, I got it bad! But proudly I am not acting on it. Mostly because I do not want to deal with the rejection for multiple reasons, not withstanding the most obvious. I mean hell! Look at me and look at her. Uh-huh! Like I would have ANY chance in hell. Eh, like I always say. Nice to dream, right?

Played poker for the first time in 5 weeks the other night. Remembered why I haven't played. I have discovered my game got WORSE. There are tournaments in Tulsa in 3 weeks that I would like to play in. I may go Saturday morning for one more "warmup" before then. It will also determine if I am going to even play. If my game is that off, no point in wasting the money on the tournament, as well as the gas and wear and tear on my vehicle.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two days in a row...

Wow! Some kind of record, huh? Been awhile since I've blogged 2 days in a row. Today feels necessary though. I had an early plan of playing poker today. Would be a "normal" Sunday (minus the past 4 1/2 weeks). I do my laundry, then shower and leave around 1pm to get there for a 2pm tournament. Well, I decided to trim the bushes in front of my house, even instead of watching football (my team was not on TV). I got carried away and trimmed 3 bushes. Then I went to Walmart for duck tape and gas. Also found 4 new pair of suit pants. 29 length x 36 waist (I weigh 170). When I got home, decided to mow the back lawn. That should be it for the season. After that, I told Ann to take Anthony driving, and I worked on my picket fence. Got the first section down. Only I don't know how many to go! Needless to say I didn't play poker. But I spent wisely so I'm happy.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I promised I wouldn't cry...

Then I had a double shot of Jack and a large beer. Afterwards, I had another double shot of Jack and a large beer. Now, in my defense, I DID text my wife as soon as I got there warning her she would be picking me up. And she did. I did not drive! However, I did shed a couple of tears against my will. And I sounded like a stroke victim (I slurred EVERY word at that ponit!). And I got sick on the way home. Stupid loaded nachos. So good, but damn if they didn't hurt my throat on the way back up. Two days later, still hurts. That's my excuse because I do not get sick.

Missed playing poker this morning because of some tests that need to be run in our new work system. They were supposed to be online by 9am, it's now 11:30am and I'm still waiting! This project is really beginning to piss me off. They'd better not try to bother me tonight!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So very tired...

I've now worked 9 days straight, and have 3 more to go. I still have a lot to do too. Hopefully this week runs smoother and next week is easier. I can definitely see a day off (before my mini vacation in November) in my very near future.

Tomorrow I say goodbye to one of very few people in this world I would consider a friend. She and her husband are venturing away to start a new life in a new state. They are taking their daughter and baby-to-be with them. I am going to miss her, and her family (even though I don't see them often).

A frozen condom?? Oh! My! God! I have to stop watching Jerry Springer! The stories are getting stranger as we go. I do believe I can now die, as I have heard just about everything! Apparently, it was a USED frozen condom!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not a sunny Sunday so far...

The clouds are still hovering around. The early football games are on, and my team is losing 7-0 middle of the 1st quarter. Yesterday, Arkansas got their asses handed to them by Alabama. They looked like SHIT! It was a disgrace being a Hog fan and watching that game. I was trying to figure out which elementary school Petrino went to for his players, because they just didn't look like the 3-0 team that started out the season. Now granted, I know that Alabama has a great team, but come on! It looked a lot like we didn't care, and just wanted out.

Project at work is "almost done". I say that because next weekend I will be working ... on Saturday night ... until late! And Sunday ... early! After that, though, we should be running in the new system, but then it's a 6-week follow up with my co-workers to make sure they are not having any issues, that everything is working and they can access all of the screens they need, stuff like that. Here is the really sad part. While granted, I know there are many MANY people that have worked on this project more than me, deeper than me, longer than me, it would still be nice to know the ones that have been running the tests, teaching the courses, would be getting something. Don't think we will though. Ah well, such is life.

UPDATE 8:35pm CDT -- I had an altercation this afternoon with a sledgehammer, and the sledgehammer won 3-0. I now have 3 staples in my head due to my supreme ass stupidity. You see, I have a white picket fence around my yard that I want to get rid of. I have all of the tools to do it (a crowbar, a sledgehammer, and a regular hammer) and the tools I was not using I was hanging on the 6-foot fence that surrounds my back yard. Well, I was hitting a slat of fence out and the sledgehammer came loose because of the vibrations. It landed on the back of my head, and left me a wonderful gash (my wife has pictures on her cell phone). I immediately put my hand over the injury and ran in the house to get the attention of my wife. When we discovered I was bleeding (quite badly at the start), we got a towel, placed as much pressure on the wound as possible and made it to the hospital in 11 minutes. Thankfully I do not appear to have a concussion (there are no symptoms), I did not black out at any point. I do, however, have 3 staples in my head. They fucking HURT! I took a couple of pain pills that will hopefully help me sleep tonight. Tomorrow will bring new adventures I'm sure. I was able to communicate this information to my bosses at work, so they are aware. I hope this doesn't hurt this bad tomorrow!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

51 down, 42 to go

Went to Downstream Friday night to see Dierks Bentley in concert. I got the tickets for Ann's birthday, which was also Friday night. The concert was good, but DAMN it was loud. Most people were standing up, I kept my head down and my hoodie hood over my head (it was raining, and yes the concert was outdoors). Ann thought I fell asleep but really I was trying to keep the music from splitting my skull open. We did stay in Joplin overnight, so at least we didn't have to drive home the same night. The next trip to Downstream is on October 23rd to see Brad Garrett (for my birthday). We got the VIP package, so we get to go to the meet and greet. Going to be wild meeting him, as he is like 6'6" or something crazy like that, and Ann and I don't go more than 5'3".

Going to be another crazy week at work. I cannot wait until the project is over. My brain (and mind) cannot take much more!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

May as well tonight...

I will not be blogging tomorrow (I will get to that shortly), and it's been a few days since my last post, so I figure I may as well update SOMETHING tonight. A woman I know has a child in the hospital. Hopefully everything will end up just fine, and I'm sure it will. Still, a helluva scare. Brought me out of a training class when I heard about it. Thankfully I have a co-trainer so she took over for a few minutes while I found out everything going on and then talked myself down from the roof.

Today is football day. Watched Alabama defeat Penn State (that sucked!), now watching Arkansas play New Mexico. We are winning after the 1st quarter, should be an easy victory, but our quarterback is limping, so we could be screwed next week.

As you may or may not be aware, tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of 9-11, which was the day in 2001 (a Tuesday) when the U.S. was attacked with 4 commercial aircraft, killing over 3,000 people. I can tell you, I will never forget.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Boredom has set in WAY too early!

It's 10am CDT! TEN OF THE CLOCK! IN THE MORNING!! Going to be a very quiet day at work. There are (I think) 6 of us outside of marketing on my floor. We are having an "environmental sustainability" day, basically meaning you have permission to work from home today to save on CO2 emissions from your vehicles. OK, so while the power in the building is still going, now we will have the opportunity for people to use the power in their homes that they would not normally use because they are at the office. Does that work?? All I know is I am not able to work from home for a full day very easily because (1) no comfortable chair (2) kids screaming like someone is murdering them for 2 hours (3) wife will be there at some point. I will probably leave earlier than usual today and hook up at the house, but it won't have to be a full day thing, so my back is greatful/grateful (sp?).

Monday, August 29, 2011


Yes, you read that correctly. Rasslin'. Isn't that what they call wrestling in the south? Aren't I in the south? Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... I'm sitting here watching Monday Night Raw, and the announcement at the top of the show is that Raw will now also feature Smackdown superstars. And this is not a one-time thing, it's weekly! Which means Alberto Del Rio, the WWE Champion, will probably appear on Smackdown, while Randy Orton, the World Champion, will appear on Raw, like he is tonight!

CM Punk is probably the hottest commodity in the wrestling world right now. And the WWE managed to re-sign him to a contract, which is great. He is actually a breath of fresh air, as he speaks his mind and tells (sometimes his version) of the truth. Well, he apparently stuck his foot in his mouth and now has a match at the next Pay-Per-View against Kevin Nash (Big Sexy, Diesel, the list goes on). I am very doubtful that Punk will lose that match. Nash is partially retired, wrestles part time, and this is probably the only "major" program he will work with the WWE. So expect him to "put Punk over" by Punk winning.

Here's a direction the storyline can (and hopefully WILL) go. Punk beats Kevin Nash, who has been around for 20 years and would be considered a "legend" in the world of wrestling. They have a rematch and Punk puts Kevin out for awhile. Not going to leave big Kev on TV week after week. He is not under a full time contract. Well, there are other legends under contract to the WWE. Send THEM after Punk to "avenge a fellow legend" getting taken out. Jerry "The King" Lawler is still active. Sgt Slaughter is still active. Hell, you can even bring back the 1-2-3 Kid (also known as Sixx, or however he spells it). After a couple of months, you can call Punk the "Legend Killer". This pisses off Randy Orton, who now appears on both shows. It leads to a "trade" of sorts, sending Punk to the Smackdown roster (so he can battle Orton). Now, stick with me on this...

Punk defeats Orton at Survivor Series (or the Royal Rumble, take your pick) and becomes the NEW World Champion. John Cena is wrestling Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson at Wrestlemania 28, which is one third of the main event (unless Cena is the champ, which he promised), but what about the Smackdown main event? Enter Mr Money in the Bank Daniel Bryan, who said he will be holding his briefcase until Wrestlemania. Can you imagine a match between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan? These are the 2 guys that spent years (and I mean YEARS) in the "minor leagues" before finally making it. The match they could have would be beyond unreal, and the IWC would finally have the multiple orgasms they have been dreaming of for decades. Hell, so would I!

Whatcha think??

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Yeah, that's the title! Not feeling very creative right now. Actually feeling a little bit drained, a little off. I didn't eat breakfast, which was probably a bad idea. Then had cereal for lunch.

Playing in the BTTP (Blast To The Past) Main Event tomorrow at Cherokee. Got in for free so can't complain. I know I won't embarrass (sp? who cares!) myself, and have honest aspirations of making the money, or at the very worst the final table (which should be the same thing).

Next week at work should be fairly quiet. No promotional orders shipping, but one to write, which is easy. Hopefully no days past 5:30pm (even hoping for a day or two where I can leave at 4). Friday they are calling for a "sustainability" day, basically meaning work from home. Saves on CO2 emissions and the like. Unfortunately for me, I am not comfy working from home for long periods of time, so I will probably end up in the office. Will try to find out if staying home is mandatory, and go from there.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Still warm...

Played poker this weekend, which I wasn't planning on. Actually, wanted to see where I was in the points standings for this quarter, and found myself tied for 31st. Only the top 30 get to play. So, I played, and WON!! Hopefully this will move me up the list. Played again today, didn't go as well as I'd hoped. I'm not surprised.

More training this week. Also, I have to speak with my co-workers. They keep blocking my orders and they don't lock down. I'm trying to NOT have to manually lock, but I'm getting really pissed off that people do not recognize other peoples' orders!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Something to read...

Turns out the "cold" I thought I had was just allergies.
Finally got a break from the heat. Today the high was only 98. ONLY!! WTF?!?
Played poker tonight. Really need to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Game is off!
Have absolutely NOTHING to be proud of. Wife sucks, son sucks, I suck!


Friday, August 5, 2011

Too early...

It's just after 6am, and I've been awake for an hour and a half. I don't know if allergies are kicking or if I caught a cold. Either way, I'm full of mucus and my nose is doing nothing but running right down my face. It sucks. Especially because I'm on a mini vacation. I got to go to the casino yesterday, and today I'm going to wait for the air conditioner people. Going to get a freon refill and see what the new level is. Hopefully it will not be that low.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mind working overtime...

I am really beginning to hate end of months! Especially when it's end of quarters or halves. It's like most everything in my life. Quiet with a side of SHEER FUCKING PANIC!

Unfortunately, during the down time, my mind works. I start thinking WAY too much. Start remembering things and them that I should no longer be thinking about, nevermind considering how to go see them. That's what is happening to me right now. So, I blog about it to try to get it OUT of my system. Listening to my Pandora doesn't help much. Too many songs bring too many memories I really would rather not remember right now. But shit, how do I go north?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gonna hear about it...

And you know what? I don't give a shit. Let them say what they want. After 4 years, they should know I do not do the "friendship" thing with anyone. Tonight I went out for a drink (I had water) for a co-worker who is going to another company. I left early and didn't say goodbye to more than 1 or 2 people. I never do. I prefer to just slip out unnoticed, pretty much the way I walk in.

I am also SO fucking tired of people telling me I'm scared to do something, or I gave it to someone else because I didn't want to compete with them. Little do they understand my frame of thinking. Currently, I am the CSA for frozen and ice cream. It's fucking JULY and it's been over 100 degrees most of the month. We are busy. Add to that, I am on a project called Cordillera. Not only am I considered a "super user" but I am also a trainer. This means I have to sit through daily bullshit classes so I can teach other CSA's how to use the new system. Basically I'm already putting in constant 10 hour days...

A position opened up on another team in the company which I would have kicked ass at. And at first, when I heard about it, I knew I wanted the position. Hell, I would STILL love the position. But, let's think about this logically for a moment shall we? You all think you know me so fucking well, you don't know SHIT! As stated above, I'm already putting in 10 hour days. Add to that if I have to train to learn the NEW job, PLUS I'd have to teach someone my CURRENT role! NOBODY that is new in my office is that fucking smart they would catch on that quick. So, basically I'd be looking at 12 or more hours per day. You think I want that? Hell, there are bosses in my company that rarely work more than 8 hours a day, and if they DO work more than that, they feel the company owes them. I'm not like that. I prefer to make sure the job is done, and done right, that night. I'm not putting it off. But I'll be fucked if you think I'mk giving up my entire fucking life for any job.

So, to the ones that say "oh you're too comfortable in your job" or "oh, you're too scared of change" I say "FUCK YOU!" and get a fucking clue. Figure your own self out before you try analyzing my little white hairy Italian ass!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So friggin HOT!!!

On my way home tonight at 5:30 it was 103 degrees! I have a thermometer in my car and at one point on the ride home it read 108! It's TOO FRUCKING HOT!! And there is no end in sight. Maybe by winter???

Friday, July 15, 2011

Haha! Vacation day!

Yeah, I'm off from work today. Was supposed to be my day to relax, enjoy it. Instead have to take Anthony to get his wisdom teeth taken out. And while I've been up for 90 minutes, I've been listening to my wife babble for 95 minutes!! PLEASE send her to work already!

I am also SO tired of people who think their shit don't stink. They can come and go as they please, not thinking of anyone but themselves on where they are going, when they may or may not be available. Nobody knows where they are, and God forbid someone needs them, their excuse is "Well the team can handle it" or some fucking bullshit like that. Here is a clue folks. Either you are a "team player" (TEAM?!? What a stupid fucking word THAT is by the way! Bigger bullshit!) or you are a loner. You are either a leader or a follower. A follower will follow the rules, a leader will ALSO follow the rules and respect the followers. Those that don't? They don't tell the followers that the leader is not going to be available? They are not worth my time!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Finally... the rain has come back!

And WOW am I paying for it. We have been pretty dry here for the past few weeks, and constant temperatures close to 100 degrees each day. Finally, yesterday morning, the rain came. I knew it was here about 1/2 hour before it actually started, as I tried getting up off my chair at work. I "got up" and went right back down. My back was swollen to hell. It got to a point where I took pills last night to ease the pain. I should know better. Now at 4:30am, I have been awake for a half hour, and ready to go back to sleep, only to have to wake up in an hour or so for work. Sigh!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What a week...

So much went on this week...

Earlier this week the final launch of the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Thirty years of history. I was around for the first launch, it was wonderful watching the last. They had the perfect takeoff.

Yesterday, Derek Jeter became the 28th player in MLB history (first in a NY Yankee uniform) to reach 3,000 career hits. While I am not a Yankee fan, nor will I ever will be, I have much respect for Mr Jeter. He followed his dream of always wanting to play for nobody but the Yankees, he worked at it and he made it. In all of his years of MLB service, it has always been with one team, he has never been accused of any wrongdoing, and he's always stayed modest. It's never been about him, it's always been about the team. The best part? He was at 2,998 career hits going into the game, and went 5 for 5, including a home run for #3,000! Congratulations Derek!

Yesterday evening was the poker tournament at Cherokee for Team Cherokee. It was for the top 30 points getters in the 2nd quarter 2011 in touranments, and I was #24. That was a shock in itself, I didn't think I played that much, and cashed in even less. The top 7 players received a seat in the Blast to the Past main event valued at $540 and $300 cash. Eighth place received $553 cash. The chip stacks were staggered and I had $5,600. The top started with $10k in chips. I can honestly say I was WAY BEYOND card dead! I had 2 moves. Fold or all-in. Mostly I used fold. I was dead even at the 2nd break, back at $5,600 chips. At the third break, I was a little up but way under average. Finally, we got to the final 8, and someone at the table said they couldn't be here for the BTTP tournament. So, he got 8th, and I was in the top 7! $300 plus a seat!

Wow, what a week!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not Guilty?!?!?

OK, I will be one of the first to admit, I did not follow the trial as closely as I could have. I mean ... SHIT! ... nowadays with all kinds of news stations, internet, etc, it would have been easy to follow. Being it doesn't affect me directly, I mostly listen to "highlights" and such. However, the murder trial of the State of FL vs Casey Anthony, who was accused of killing her 2-year old daughter, hits home. It does, and should, for any parent. While at the casino this afternoon, my wife texted me saying there was a verdict. The jury only got the case 2 or 3 days ago, so everyone assumed they found her guilty of 1st degree murder. Nope. The only guilty charges came on her lying to police. OK, now I could go on the internet to find out the logic on this, and maybe later I will. But how in the FUCK did she get acquitted of murder, but found guilty of lying about it?!?!?

Anyway, as I mentioned above, I went to the casino today. The plan was to play in a tournament, but that didn't pan out. Wound up playing cash, got 4 of a kind TWO HANDS IN A ROW!! So I get to play in the Straight Flush/4-of a kind freeroll next Tuesday night. Add to that the Team Cherokee tournament on Saturday, and I get to play ALOT of free poker. YIPPEE!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, America!

And a happy safe and healthy 4th of July to all. It's been a fairly quiet day around here. Everyone seems to be saving their energy for tonight. And JUST as I type that I heard a big BOOM! {laughter here}. Tonight, the church on the corner will put on their annual fireworks show. We can stand in our backyard and watch, which is great.

Nothing else going on.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Stay off the curb...

Took summer hours from work today. Then picked up Anthony and took him to see if he could pass the test for his driver's learning permit. He passed. Hence "Stay off the curb..." at the top! DUH! Then we went to see Transformers 3. OK, first of all, I do not understand why Megan Fox chose not to participate in the third installment. Frankly I thought she played a very good role in the first two movies. Second of all, I do not understand WHO or WHY someone thought that Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was the proper choice to replace her. She SUCKED in this movie! The movie was not in my top 2 of the trilogy.

Coming up on a "4-day weekend". Yeah, right! Walmart is open on Tuesday, which means I will be working on Tuesday. Will have to take Anthony to the dentist in the morning, but then the rest of the day will be spent checking work emails. Ah well. Soon I will have a REAL 4-day weekend.

Almost posted this, but something crossed my mind. I have followed the blogs of others, and actually one person's blog is one reason I started my own. Suddenly, this person stopped blogging. The excuse? She got hooked into Facebook. OK, here's a small tip for you. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FAMILY WHICH IS NOT THE BEST LOOKING IN THE WORLD REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU THINK!! Blogging is for YOU not for anyone else. Oh yeah. I forgot. You are in it to "please people". Fat ugly people generally try to please others as a way to make themselves feel self-important I guess.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Don't know if I've told you this, but I am on a project at work. Because of this, there is a blackout period where I am unable to take any vacation (pretty sure I can't even take a DAY). This period is from August through October. Basically, I have July, then November/December to take vacation. Yeah, ok. I have a couple of days in November already scheduled, plus New Year's week. Still have too many days to take so I don't lose them. Well, I've decided on a couple of days in July. Already warned my wife she may not see me at all those days. I am hoping to get in the car and just drive. ANYWHERE! Lord knows I need this time away!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I have never put this in my blog before, but even after this length of time I'm still affected by it. Earlier I decided to lay down for a nap. I tend to do this on weekends. I had a dream, and Dottie was in it. This is strange in and of itself, as while I think of her often (more often than I care to mention) she has rarely appeared in my dreams. This time, unlike any of the others, I could FEEL her. I felt her holding me, her head on my shoulder, her arms around me when she hugged me. It didn't feel like I was sleeping; it felt like I was somewhere else totally. I can even remember some of the details of the dream. We were in a home that I have (supposedly) never been in before, and Ann was there too. They actually talked a little bit (and nicely at that). Then we were in a bathroom, and Dot was giving me a gift she brought. I was laughing because what she brought me was made by Gillette, and the funny part was it was where I worked, so she brought me stuff I got for free under normal circumstances.

Sometimes, my dreams are desires that I wish would happen in reality but don't, so this is my way of "fulfilling a fantasy" for lack of a better term. However, there have been times it's a prequel of things to come. This has happened before. However, vivid memories and feelings from a dream have never lasted this long. I hope this passes soon.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Another week down...

And what a friggin' week it's been. Busy at work like you couldn't believe, plus did Habitat for Humanity yesterday morning. Too many things were pissing me off though. For starters, I have been doing my job for over 3 years, and that is NOT including the year I spent with the company as a temp. Why is it that I know so many other peoples' jobs, and they act as if they THINK they know mine? The bottom line was today. I had to do a bypass on an order, and after ALL was done, asked if I had approval. I said "Nope, I was bored and needed something to do". Then told them of course, that I've been doing my job long enough and know not to do something like that without prior authorization. I don't know if I'm burned out or what. Everything has been getting to me much worse than it should. Maybe it's time for a change. A complete change.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Fling...

Took "summer hours" today. Ann will be home shortly for her break, and after she leaves I am not sure what I'm going to do first. May nap, may watch a movie or 6. Anything is better than work.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Still with me?

Why?!? I've honestly yet to figure out why anyone is reading this! It's not for anyone but me. I use this as a way to remember things, because I know in the not too distant future something is going to happen that is going to cause me to forget much of my life. This is the reason I have been "documenting" things. Reality plus memories that I DO remember.

I was actually remembering some of the times from my teen years. I remember the various girls I "dated" or thought I "liked". I also remember a couple of the girls that I really DID like, and how I wound up hurting them, and myself as well. I don't remember her name as well as I think, but I think her name was Nora. She was an inch or two shorter than me at the time, red hair, and heavy. I have a memory of talking to my mom in the kitchen, saying I liked her, but if I asked her out, all my friends would make fun of me because of how big she was. She overheard us and walked away crying. I lost not just a potential girlfriend, but a friend for sure that day.

I remember being out shopping for shoes or something with my mom. I noticed a girl standing in the store by herself, and she was rather attractive. I was shy back then, not really knowing how to approach her, when her friend came up to her. I don't know what their conversation was about, but I remember that girl saying how she will never have a real boyfriend because of how she talked. She had the voice that you would associate with a deaf (or hard of hearing) person. At that moment, I had two thoughts. (1) I couldn't go and talk to her because she would think I was taking pity on her -and- (2) I felt like a jackass for not going over and talking to her, because I understood how she felt. Being an "outsider" is not easy. It took me a number of years to figure out what I should have gone up to her and said. NO, I am not sharing that with you. It's personal, and something I'll never forget. This I am very sure of.

Work has been hell, trying to do things around the house has kept me busy. Yet, I'm still able to find time for me, to type this up for me to remember and for you to read, although I am STILL not sure why. I guess it doesn't matter. If you are entertained, that's your problem. I turned off the comments to this blog a long time ago, because frankly I don't care what any of you think.

Well, now I've been sitting here about 5 minutes and typed nothing. Sorry, not sure if it's A-D-D or W-G-A-S (who gives a shit!) but hey, it saved.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Well, made it through the 5 nights without air conditioning! AC people came out yesterday, and after trying to tell me I needed a new unit, filled it with freon and I have air in my house again!

Went to Joplin Wednesday to volunteer some time to help victims of the F5 tornado that ripped the town apart a few weeks back. On the way out, went through the actual damaged path. Two words describe what went through my head. Holy Shit! Nothing left. Pure devastation. Going to go back a couple of more times this summer, bring Anthony with me. Want him to get to help too.

Other than that, nothing going on. Planning on taking a poker break, not playing my best and my luck has been running thin. TTFN!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Missing my dad...

Surprisingly today, I haven't thought about him as much as I thought I would. It was 23 years ago today that he was taken from us. As much as he did wrong in life, he was still my inspiration. I love you Dad. Wish you were here.

In other news, the air conditioning in my home is not working. For some reason, we turned it on yesterday and set it at 80 degrees. It kicked on at 82 and was still going when the house was reading 91. The unit works, I just hope it needs maintenance. I am going to call someone tomorrow, and see when I will be able to be home for them to come check out the unit.

Wednesday I will be going to Joplin with my company to help in the cleanup after the massive F5 tornado ripped the town apart a few weeks back. I am glad I can do something to help, especially since I was not able to give blood because of markings on my arms.

OK, too hot to type more...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Thank you...

To all of the servicemen and servicewomen, past and present, for defending our freedom, THANK YOU!

Sitting watching WWE Raw right now, and for the first time in a LONG time, a performer got in the ring with a microphone and said the absolute truth. Kharma, formerly Awesome Kong, a rather large female wrestler, is going to be out for 1 year as she is pregnant with her first child. Everyone in the audience applauded her announcement, and that was fantastic. Be a face or a heel, good news for someone is good news for someone, and I personally wish her the very best.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The curse has ended .. go in peace..

Today is my first "day off from work" in I don't know how long! There were 2 possible poker tournaments to play today, and decided to play in a rebuy tournament at Cherokee rather than a state tournament at Downstream. I think I made the right choice, as I finished 2nd. This is the best my cards have played in a long time, and my first cash in a month. Felt good!

My next planned tournament is Wednesday night at Downstream. It's a state bounty tournament. My only issue is that I am volunteering at a work function on Wednesday, and will have much extra driving to do that day. Hope I don't get too tired.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

We still here...

Well, some 89-year old jackass predicted the world to come to an end last night at 6pm LOCAL TIME. This meant that we would have 24 events that would crucify every time zone at 6pm local time. HOWEVER, if you were a "non-believer" and were going to hell, you would have to endure 5 more months on earth before going. Well, I already know I'm going to hell so I lived it up. Actually did my normal Saturday night thing...went to the casino and lost a poker tournament.

This weekend was actually very productive for me. I did the grocery shopping yesterday morning, rather than today. Then I cut some of the bushes up in my front yard. Was able to clear out the garage TWICE! Got home rather early last night, and the family was at the ballgame, so I was going to watch some movies on Netflix. Unfortunately, it took 1/2 hour for my X-Box to update (been awhile since I've signed on I guess). By the time it was ready I wasn't in the mood to watch anything. This morning, I started my laundry early (just in case), then worked outside some more. Then I realized I needed new underwear (too much info? too bad, you're the one reading!). I wound up buying 2 packages of underwear, 6 new polo shirts, 2 pair of pants and a belt. Then after getting home, worked outside some more.

Tonight, however, we spent the last 3 hours watching the weather. GIGANTIC storms, tornado warnings (one hit Siloam Springs, hoping everyone is OK). Pea sized hail here, but that was the worst of it thankfully.

Tomorrow starts a new week at work. Will keep you updated on that. TTFN!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Random crap...

Just finished watching The Biggest Loser on DVR. I rarely ever watch anything live, except for sports. I cannot deal with commercials very well. Anyway, tonight's show was the "go home" show before the live finale next week. You get to see the 20-week journey for the contestants that have made it to the end. This season there are 2 sisters that made the final three. One of them, Hannah, is so beautiful. Don't get me wrong, they both are. But Hannah has something about her. I noticed it even at the start of the season. I can only hope that, while she may never find the sports figure she was in college, she stays fit and healthy, which she seems to be at her happiest. She is also going to turn LOTS more heads!

This is something I've only done to two people in my entire life ... well, at least in a good way. First was when I was 16 and met a young woman at a teen group. She saw me come in, and I don't know if she knows it but I caught the way she stared at me when I entered the room. The look stayed until she and I shared our first kiss that night. It stayed on up until the day she went to Florida. Unfortunately it was gone when she came back to New York for a visit.

The only other time was my ex-fiancee (sp? who the hell cares). I think I told you the story before, and don't feel like looking back. The look was there back when we first got together, it was there when we got back together for a short time a few years ago (before we moved to Arkansas). I can't say what the reaction would be if we saw each other one more time.

I've been thinking about this lately, how I am not one to turn heads for a good reason. I've turned plenty of heads that had a look of "holy fucking shit, what the hell is that?!?" or "how the fuck does someone let themselves go there?!?"

I am 41-years old, approximately 160 lbs (the heaviest I have ever been!), and quit smoking 12 weeks ago. The new thought that has been crossing my mind has been joining a gym. Too old to want to start something new, too young to die.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is the way...

It's been a few days since I've blogged, I know. The site was down and I've been busy. Sorry...

It's a Saturday morning. I am sitting in my office, the music is blaring, and I am getting much work done. Too bad it couldn't be like this every day. I love working in my office, at my cubicle. I'm actually comfortable here (physically I mean). There are 2 monitors, plenty of elbow room so I don't knock into anything if I shift, and it has a sense of privacy without a door. But today, it's just me. It's quiet. I can sing at the top of my lungs along with the music if I like, and STILL get everything done. Going to suck on Monday when everyone else is here and I can't do this.

Anyway, why am I here? Well, we have a large Memorial Day promotion and today I start writing my ship withs to make trucks. It's normal, and I used to do this much more often before my customer changed the due dates. This one they changed back to "normal" so here I am. Beats driving to the casino to lose another tournament.

No folks, have not done well the past couple of weeks. Going to try to take a break until the end of May, when Downstream has their big tournaments. Hope I can make it.

Other than that, everything is normal...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


happy mother's day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

9 years, 7 months, 20 days...

This is how long between 9-11-2001, the day of (my opinion) the worst terror attack on earth, and the day the mastermind of the attack, Osama Bin Laden, has been found and killed...

Ordered a WWE pay-per-view last night which ended about 9:50pm CDT. Decided to be nice to my wife and put on the NY Mets game on ESPN. Two minutes later, the announcers said that Bin Laden was dead, and to tune in to the news for information. Well, there went the ball game.

I shed a tear when I heard the news. Not for Bin Laden, but for all of the over 3,000 victims of the attacks on 9-11-2001 that did not need to die such a needless worthless death. Hopefully this brings them and their loved ones some peace.

Friday, April 29, 2011


As I sit here at my desk, a couple of minutes before a meeting, I have to sit and wonder if I should continue working here. I admit, I know my job and I believe I perform my duties fairly well. But, there is someone I work with that I have a crush on, and it seems to be getting worse as time goes on. She's married, I'm married, I would be WAY THE FUCK out of my league if we were single, yet the feeling remains.

I definitely think it's time to look for a new company to work for, so I can get away from temptation.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Rain rain go away...

We are on our 5th (6th?? 7th??) straight day of rain. And we are not talking about a drizzle or the occassional mist. Noooooooooooooo! We are talking about thunder, lightning, and torrential downpours. In the past few days it's been measured at over 10 inches. I don't doubt it. Friday night I was at the casinoand they actually shut it down! There was a tornado over our heads. That was "fun".

Other than that, nothing to report.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Sitting in my office right now part of a virtual meeting (computer and phone -- saves money having to fly some of us up north), and not getting as much out of this as I thought I wouuld have. OK, as I had HOPED I would have. That's ok though. I have some leads on where to look for information now, and I've seen this before on a smaller scale.

Been a really weird week for me. Was told by my child that both his mother and I are an embarrassment. We were told we were not allowed to meet his girlfriend. Of course, later, the story changed, and his girlfriend is really shy and he was afraid of her being embarrassed by meeting us. Yeah, bullshit! I have not spoken to my son since. You are sitting there saying "that's just wrong" but I don't think it is. So many times, he has said things, then later tried to change it by saying "he was misunderstood" or some crap like that. I have been there, was much the same way at his age. Got the same results. He will learn. If he doesn't, well that's his problem now. He's old enough.

Had a great run at the casino's the past few days. Saturday, went to Cherokee for the AM tournament, but it was cancelled for the 2nd straight week. I played cash, and walked out 270 up. Sunday went to Downstream, played their AM tournament, and split top prize. Monday night went to Cherokee and finished 3d in the PM tournament. Unfortunately Tuesday night finished 4th and got nothing. So, I'm up for the week and done going until Saturday AM again.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bad morning...

Thinking about things, not aimed at anyone in particular I will name here. It makes me laugh, how people complain if they actually have to work. They have a life. Guess what? Who the fuck cares?!? I sure as shit don't. You think the world owes you a life? You think where you work owes you a fucking life?? The higher you go, the less you are willing to do, then you fucking cry about it, or take your sweet time doing it, because you've "been here awhile and the company owes something to you". Kiss my ass, all of you. I'm sorry you're the ones that spent all that time working your way up and got there, so now you think you don't have to do it anymore, or as fast, not caring a shit about the ones you are servicing. I am sorry you are the one that went to school and spent all that money so you could move up in the company and do less, while making it look like you're the top banana in the fucking world. I am so fucking sick of it all. Yet, there isn't anything I can do about it, right?

Think again...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

...and it continues...

Someone said to me today that they haven't read my blog in a short while. I told them it's no big deal, because I haven't blogged in awhile. Work has been nothing short of a nightmare for the entire team I am a part of. I will not go into details, but there definitely has to be an improved way of working for us all, which includes getting way too many people involved in everyone's business and more communication than we have going on right now. A new salesman wouldn't be a bad idea either ... one that nods his head after you explain the same shit to him over and over for 20 minutes, only to ask the same question the next day. Not because he doesn't remember what you told him the day before, but because (A) he doesn't like the answer you gave him -or- (B) he's testing us to see if we GIVE the same answer as yesterday -or- (C) he IS that stupid!

We had our annual GtM meeting today. Wow! We used to travel for this, but the past few years we've taken advantage of the internet. It saves a lot of money, and makes a lot of sense. No point in paying for employees from all over the U.S. and surrounding countries to go to Connecticut for one night (two tops). There's not much point. Plus, in my role, I get to work while the meeting is going on, so I do not ignore the customer with a lame excuse of "I have a meeting, you will have to wait." This excuse works if someone else is covering, and they don't have to wait. I don't care who the customer is, either. One request, no waiting. Wish everything was like that, but it isn't.

OK, soap box time. I am SOOOOO tired of people that "take advantage" because the company is "flexible" or they only need to put in so many hours, then the company owes them. Guess what? I learned something before (A) you were born -or- (B) you became too high and mighty on yourself and think you're all that and a bag of chips (which by the way, you're not even CLOSE to!) -- we are salaried. By being salaried, yes, the company allows us the opportunity to leave early one day as long as work is completed and/or covered. We do not lose pay for this. We do not get penalized for this. However, we are also expected to work additional hours when the work is not completed/covered. This does not mean I can come to work whenever I want, take as long a lunch as I want, THEN try to cry saying how late I work. There are 2 ways you get away with that. (1) Who are you fucking?! (2) Your boss is a fucking idiot. Well, I know your boss, and he isn't. And you are expendable (my personal opinion).

Finally got to mow my back lawn tonight.Waited WAY too long. It wasn't as bad as it used to be when I'd wait, but damn if it wasn't still very wet underneath. I flattened it more than cut it. That's OK though. Gotta start somewhere. Next time we get a good 2-3 day stretch of no rain, I'll mow again and will heal the lawn.

That's about it. Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed venting. 53 days without smoking. Start collecting for bail, I'm off the pills.

Still Alive...

Been so busy at work, then weekends trying to be my own, I haven't had much of a chance to blog. Don't worry. Will be back soon enough. I promise!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Strange week so far...

Today's only Wednesday. First I thought it was Thursday, then when I got home I thought it was Friday. Work has been good this week. Have a long meeting tomorrow which is not mandatory, but it's definitely something I should be involved in. However, I have alot to do for ice cream. Will see what happens.

Had an offsite meeting today. It was also a farewell for a co-worker. I said it in the meeting, and I'll say it here. Love ya kid! You're MY hero!

Had a great weekend at the casino with Ann. Walked out ahead, but came home early to work 6 hours. That was after working over 3 hours on Saturday before leaving. Sometimes it sucks, but it honestly feels good when I get it all done, knowing it's right and proper.

That's about it. TTFN!!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I said on February 23rd "you want to get the AMPS plan updated right away, they are taking the snapshot over the weekend for the 28th start" and was told "that's ok, we are going to work on it on March 3rd." Did anyone fucking listen to me?? Believe it or not, sometimes I know what the fuck I'm talking about!!

So, now the snapshot is in, the quantities are wrong, and we got screwed. TWICE! THEN we go to find out we could have had it if we asked. Well, guess what. The ones that KNEW we could get more didn't tell the rest of us.

Everyone thinks they are the king and queen, pauper's be damned. They know nothing. Well guess what bitch? This pauper knows more than you do about the ins and outs of the business apparently, so start paying some fucking attention! Save me the aggravation of having to correct all of your bullshit, and let's not mention the one that is supposed to watch the fucking promos! After all of this shit, 3 1/2 hours after I got online to work, I MAY be able to start my daily duties. Not to mention there are still 29 promo orders that I have to write TODAY, because I'll be fucking damned if I'm not going away for the weekend. Nobody else bothers to work past 5pm any day of the week, yet I'm the schmuck that works every fucking weekend!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


It's been the week from hell so far. First, the weather has been crappy. Hopefully it will be better this weekend. Didn't get to go anywhere for my anniversary last weekend, hoping to go this weekend. Plans are made, now have to make sure we stay healthy. Work has been NUTS! Tomorrow will make the third day it's taken me to write ONE promotional order. That has NEVER happened before. Unfortunately, there are many things going on at work, so I haven't been able to fully focus my attention on the promotion. Tomorrow, I will be working from home. There are minimal distractions so I will be able to take care of it. Will still take me awhile, but at least I can continue and hopefully finish.

40 days of no smoking!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Happy 18th Anniversary to my wife. I love you!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Watching a hockey game that I can't get into. During the commercials flipping channels to watch other shit that I can't get into. Anniversary trip this weekend has been cancelled due to wife's illness. Was asked to meet a co-worker for a drink, but was already home when got the call. Supposed to be next week, but don't know if I'll go. Depends on my mood. I have to get off these fucking pills!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Twenty years...

Today marks 20 years that my wife, Ann, and I have been together. Amazing isn't it? Next weekend we celebrate 18 years of marriage. Wow. Who would have thought it. OK, so who had 17 years in the pool? Sorry, you lose! I have 22 years myself, so it's gonna go at least another 4 years, that's safe to say. For those of you who do not understand this joke ... well it sucks to be you right now doesn't it?

Went to Cherokee yesterday morning to play some poker, and also celebrate 28 days of smoke-briety. Must have been a good mark! I got to the casino WAY earlier than expected, signed up for the tournament (was first!) and had 20 minutes to kill. So I decided to play a penny slot machine. I put $20 in, and 15 minutes later took $100 out. SWEET! Poker tournament is paid for, and I got money for the gas home. The card game itself was SO much fun. We had a 91 year old man playing with us. You would NOT have guessed he was that old. Mid 70s tops! I wound up finishing 7th, but had a blast. Most fun at a tournament in a long time. Then decided to play the $20 profit I had. The gas tank was full. While walking towards a slot machine I know will not pay me, I saw a new set of machines and decided to try them. Started out playing 50 cents, then moved up to $1, finally deciding to play $2 per spin (that's what wins you the big money). Well, once again, put in $20 and took out $100. WHEEEEEEE!!

Hopefully this will be a good week. If it isn't, I may seriously start looking for another position at another company. Getting more and more difficult to put up with the salesman on my category. I swear he's losing his fucking mind and I'm SO tired of having to explain things seven or eight times, only for him to come back and question it 10 minutes later.

Leaving on a good thought. Sex tonight? IS an anniversary! *wink*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Worst start ever...

I have been with my current employer for 3+ years (Happy Anniversary 12 days late. haha!). Add to that 1 year as a temporary employee. I have worked on almost every facet of the customer support analyst business; every category. My favorites are the perishable foods categories. They are much more "hands on", meaning I write orders, I control the orders that come into the system. I have worked on ice cream from the start. Hell, I TOLD them I would be the CSA for ice cream. And honestly, I've enjoyed it. Until this season. All kinds of new items, a new line of product, price's crazy. Thankfully I work with a great boss who understands the perishable business (she started as a CSA herself, and worked on perishables), as well as transportation. Today she was all kinds of help for me, and for that I am truly gratified. I took her out to lunch today (she thinks it is because I don't like eating alone in a restaurant) to thank her for all of her help. That, and she is one of VERY few people in my life I call a friend.

Two more months and I get my next chest x-ray. Let's see if my breathing improves before then, or it's going to be a very interesting conversation with my doctor (and if I figure it out right, a very expensive one too). They say that because I quit smoking, my lungs are healing. Well, explain to me how I can walk a mile ... 2 miles ... and feel great. But I go back and forth to the bathroom and am out of breath from the walk. Add to that I weigh in at 153 lbs, that's probably not helping.

Found out today there is no team trip this year. Am kinda disappointed. Looked forward to the couple of nights by myself.

Going to Downstream for our wedding anniversary this year. Room is booked. Bag will be packed before going.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Needing a minute...

It's Friday! YAY! Working from home today. YAY! Hard to be excited. I am taking a few minutes away from work because I need to talk about what happened in Japan. They have experienced an 8.9 magnitude earthquake. And now, the tsunami's that are hitting them are beyond unreal. HOUSES are getting swept away! Buildings are shaking, hoping to survive all of the fore and aftershocks from this. They are watching Hawaii and California for tsunamis. My heart goes out to all of the people of Japan, and hope they can quickly and easily recover from this horrific disaster.

Finally got the chance to visit a Walmart DC yesterday. What a trip. 2+ hour drive in each direction, with little or nothing to look at. I loved it! The open space, the farmlands...THIS is why I moved here. The tour was fantastic. They have a fantastic setup at Walmart.

Other than that, nothing much going on. Almost 3 weeks now since I quit smoking. Feeling very good. Occassional cravings, but nothing I can't get past. TTFN!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Two weeks...

How in the hell did I not kill anyone, or myself? Those pills must actually work, which is amazing in itself because Vicodin sure as hell don't. Not unless I take at least 2 and with a couple of shots. But yes, it's been 2 weeks without a cigarette. I am pretty amazed at myself. I still have thoughts, still have the mild craving every now and then. At this point, I'm curious enough to have one to see if I'd even still like it. However, I am trying to get that out of my head, because if you know me then you know if I let curiousity get the best of me, I'm gonna do it. Don't wanna!

Other than that, it's a normal Sunday morning. Going to write my shopping list soon, then go to the store for the usual groceries. I already hear the voice in my head going "did you put dry dog food on the list?" Yes dear!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Calmer?? Maybe, not real sure. Having bouts of laughter this afternoon. Probably just a stress relief. It's been a crazy as shit few days. Will say it again...I picked a helluva time to quit smoking!

I think part of my problem is worrying about the spots on my lungs. I go back for my next x-ray in a couple of months, but my mind is telling me it's time for closure. Start making peace with those that I've crossed paths with in the past, and try to make right where I can. Then my mind says "fuck that, you're not going anywhere". Just to add to it, someone I haven't spoken to in 25 years finds me on Facebook. After careful consideration, I have decided not to acceptt his person's friend request. Which means, I'm going out with less friends than I started with. Oh well. So be it. Until I know what the spots on my lungs are (yeah, chicken things in the air LOL!) I am staying normal.

Work has been friggin' NUTS! Worst start of the season I've seen in my 3 years here. Can and will only go up from here though. Count on it.

Well, this report isn't coming back :( Time to disappoint my manager and take the beating.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another time...

Was going to write something today, but right now I am just TOO FUCKING PISSED OFF! Fucking deal with it, come back another time! I don't give a shit!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bring the rain...

OK, so I'm a little hyped for Transformers 3, coming out July 1st, 2011. I already have it in my head to make a midnight show! Great idea for someone who fell asleep in the theater while watching Transformers 2, and it was a matinee!

I am a non-smoker now. I have not had a cigarette since Saturday at 7pm, so working on almost 5 full days now. Would really celebrate if my back wasn't out. Yes, folks, one extreme to the other. I am walking around like I'm carrying a car on my back and taking really small steps. Pray I don't sneeze again. It hurts!

Other than that, nothing to report.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The day after...

And nobody will buy me a pack!! GRRRRR!!! Gone the whole day so far (11 hours of being awake), which is good. However, my back is out, which is bad. I can barely move even my legs while I am sitting down without pain shooting across the entire lower half of my back.

Been playing online poker most of the afternoon trying to keep my mind off smoking. Not doing well. Played about 9 tournaments so far, cashed in 1. Ah well, such is life. Still cheaper than if I went to the casino. Watched the Daytona 500, now watching a movie on Netflix.

Yes, I got Netflix. Have the setup for my XBox, as well as my laptop, and DVD's by mail. Going for Iron Man 2 first. Also bought a DVD/Blu Ray player today. Want to make sure nothing goes wrong with this new setup. Cancelled the movie packages on Cox. Too expensive, and don't like that they only show about 2% of the movies I'd actually watch.

WWE Elimination Chamber on in an hour. Dinner almost ready. TTFN!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 6...

And it's getting a bit easier. The past few days have been very rough. Trying to cut back on how many cigarettes I smoked each day was not easy, and the Chantix had not built up in my system enough to help. Today seems to be better. I have a limit of 6 today and 3 tomorrow. I have had 4 to this point, spacing them out 3 hours apart. This morning I was having some bad cravings that I had to fight through, but the afternoon seems much better.

Did I mention that I went for a walk the other day? Anthony and I went after I got home from work and he got home from school. Didn't want to walk around the block, because I had no interest in measuring how far I walked. I was more concerned with the amount of time. So, we decided to walk up the highway to where my wife works. Now, here's the funny part. My wife sees us walking by, sticks her head out the door and asks what we are doing there. I told her we are walking. She asked how we got there. *SIGH* I told her we took a helicopter to the empty lot across the street and walked over from there. She said "No, really, where's your car?" I reiterated that we WALKED there. The total walk time was 32 minutes, which was great. I was not tired, not out of breath. It felt good.

Today, worked from home, so during lunch decided to go for another walk. This time I took the dog. She was there to pace me. Worked out great until we had to stop so she could poop in the street. I guess it was better than on someone's lawn, but I was still a little shocked. Next time have to remember to bring a scooper and a bag.

Tomorrow is the big day. My last 3 cigarettes, then on Sunday NONE! Will continue to take the Chantix for 2-3 months and hopefully there will be no relapse.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 3...

...of quitting smoking. The first 2 days weren't that bad. Today is going a little rougher. Per instructions, I started cutting back on my daily intake of nicotine. Sunday was 20, Monday 17, today is 14. I could go through those by noon if I gave in to the cravings I am having. However, I am trying to space it out much better so that I have them for the day. Tomorrow I start taking 2 pills a day so hopefully the medication is building up better by then so I won't have such cravings. Will see what happens.

Otherwise, I'm in one of my who gives a fuck moods. Could be the medication, could be I just don't give a shit today. Also have a feeling I'm going to have more of those days than normal in the near future. Why? You really wanna know? Because for awhile I've busted my ass trying to make things right, and no matter what I do, or what I say, it doesn't make a fucking difference. Things will not come to those who wait, because some people have memories like elephants and refuse to look at the here and now. Which means they are too fucking stupid to get over themselves! So, I keep doing what I do best, and fuck it all.

Next month is 20 years that my wife and I have been together. Crazy huh? Hopefully the spots on my lungs are nothing and we get another 20 years together. Not counting on it though.

Friday, February 11, 2011


That's what they found on my chest x-ray. I can't tell you if he said it singular or plural, because as soon as I realized he was saying they found SOMETHING on the x-ray, I kinda zoned out and didn't hear every word he said to me. He said the spots are 3-4mm in size. It is possible it is just scars from certain air that I breathe in, being there are a lot of chicken farms around here. That would be nothing to worry about.

Before I go any further, I have been in Arkansas for 7 1/2 years. I've seen ONE chicken coop in the area. Quite a few chicken trucks, but only one coop in this area. I also don't spend as much time outside as I did when we first moved here.

Anyway, it could also be cancer. I have to go for another chest x-ray in May, and then a follow-up with my doctor. He wants to see if the spots are getting any bigger. I do the same thing again in November. We did not discuss anything else about the future, just the x-rays and I guess we will go from there.

On the bright side, my stress test came back fine. My heart is strong. They actually clocked me at 9 minutes 47 seconds on the treadmill. Once I quit smoking, and I start exercising, maybe I'll go back and try to hit the 10-minute mark. HAHA! No!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yes, you read that right! And if you know where I live, you know that word should not be in capital letters. But it is. It's almost as big as the snow piles on my front lawn, which measure above 4 feet! We got dumped on with 20 inches of snow. In a 12-hour period! It's NUTS! Best part? Sunday will be in the 50's and Monday on in the 60's. Crazy!

I called it. When they started talking about this system they said it was tracking south and we would get 2-4 or 3-5 inches. Then, Tuesday morning, a co-worker who does not show up before 9am and takes 2 hour lunches, showed up at 8:30. Immediately I knew we were in trouble. Hell froze over and it landed in Arkansas! Then she didn't take more than a 30 minute lunch! Oh shit are we in trouble! Sure enough, 20 inches of snow, temperatures overnight of 15 BELOW.

Tomorrow, I go to the doctor for my follow-up on my tests. Still not sure what to expect. I know he is going to wonder if I started quitting smoking yet. Didn't get the pills yet, so next week hopefully. He's going to tell me to lose weight and exercise. Again, next week. Have no idea what he's going to say about my heart or my chest. With my luck, it will mean more tests for something or other. Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Busy busy...

First, congratulations to the Green Bay Packers on their Super Bowl victory, 31-25 over the Pittsburgh Steelers. I will admit I was rooting for the Steelers. They are an AFC team, and my team is in the AFC. First half looked bad for them, but they played well in the 2nd half to make it a close game. Just not close enough.

Going to be a busy couple of weeks for me. I have promotions to write, new modular orders to write, ship withs to write. PLUS, I do mentoring for a student at a local elementary school (if schools stay open for me to go..thanks to the snow), I have a doctor appointment this Friday morning to follow up on my tests, and other various meetings at work. PHEW!

Been thinking about our company trip coming up soon. SO not looking forward to it. Have no choice but to go (unless the doctor gives me some news), and plan on doing things differently than last year. This year it's about me. Going to do what is "mandatory" and then going to do what I feel is mandatory. Which means, after the meal, going back to my room and watching television, or going walking. Don't need to stick around for all of the other bullshit. Besides, it's not like I have a close group of friend(s) at my office. And damned if I feel like drinking. Ah well. So I don't play the game and kiss everyone's ass in my company. So I won't get the promotions that I hope for (and in one case, feel I deserve). Don't really give a shit anymore. Just my attitude right now. My opinion? Everyone can piss off!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Well, yesterday turned out to be interesting. I was FINALLY able to get 9 hours of straight sleep, which felt great. The past few days I have been waking up after 5 hours. I know what caused it too. Too much coffee! I've been drinking alot, and Thursday I actually had 7 cups AT WORK! So I came home and drank one Gatorade, and then water. Slept wonderfully (or crashed and died, either way). off track. Anyway, worked from home yesterday for 1/2 day because in the afternoon I had my tests at the hospital. Ann went to work, and proceeded to text me when she got there that the roads still suck and it's snowing. Again! We knew it would, they were only saying a dusting to an inch. I looked outside, and it was almost nothing. Looked out 20 minutes later and it was a little heavier. Looked out 30 minutes after that and it was snowing BIG flakes. So much for the inch. They modified the weather report to call for 3-5 inches. We got it!

So, in the PM I went to the hospital for my x-ray and journey on the treadmill for the Cardiac Stress Test. The x-ray was fine. I'm used to those. Not used to hugging the thing, but that's what you have to do for a chest x-ray I guess. Then it was time for the treadmill. Now, let's review history. Have I worked out AT ALL in the last 25 years? Thinking...NOPE! Have I walked any distances (outside of Walmart) in the past year? Thinking...NOPE! This ought to be interesting.

The test starts easy, but gradually gets "worse" every 3 minutes. The first 6 minutes were fine for me, surprisingly. Level 3 was inclined a decent amount, with a steady speed. Level 4 almost flew me off the treadmill and into the wall 8 feet behind me. I went a total of 9 minutes 45 seconds. Didn't feel out of breath or dizzy until I stopped, then whoosh! Took awhile for my heart rate to come down, but my blood pressure stayed "regular" which was good. The diastolic (sp?) kept getting higher though, approaching borderline. Will review the results with my doctor next Friday (including the x-ray) and go from there.

Now, let's get ready for the Super Bowl (and the Puppy Bowl if you need something to watch to kill time).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random s*%@

Made it in to work today. The roads suck. Did 10-15 mph most of the way here, had the truck in 4wd, and fishtailed twice. Go figure. Still, made it safe. Glad for that. Tonight, on the way home, will stop at Walmart to take my blood pressure. Hopefully they are not crowded (yeah, right!).

Ever have a friendship that went "kaplooey" and there is no chance in hell of getting it back? I have. Many times. Some the other has caused, some I have. Can't live with regrets, right?

Word is we will be travelling in the next couple of months for work. Going to the same place we went last year for the conference. Hopefully we have some "free time" to do whatever we want. The place (I can't remember the name and don't feel like looking for it) is gorgeous. This year, though, I plan to just stay quiet and on my own. Last year was decent, but I was not close to anyone and I think I tried too hard. This year I'm still not that close to anyone, so I'm just going to do what I'm supposed to do and then be on my own.

Damn, new pain in my chest/shoulder. Good thing for the x-ray tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I moved south 7 1/2 years ago to get AWAY from the blizzard snows and the below 0 temperatures. This winter season, up north is getting clobbered! Snowstorms on top of snowstorms. We have been laughing at them. Payback is such a bitch! We are in blizzard conditions here today, expecting upwards of 10 inches of snow, and that's on top of about 1/2 inch of sleet/ice on the ground. I shoveled a path from the road up my driveway to the door. That's gone already, and it's only been an hour. You can see the indentation of where I shoveled, but it's not safe anymore. Schools are closed today. Hell, the TOWN I live in is closed today. There is a report of a truck jack-knifing up the road from me. Stupid driver. Can't take that road in these conditions. It's a winding road with hills and valleys, and not very wide. One slight spin of the tires and you're off the road. Hopefully the driver and the cargo is OK.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Royal Rumble Sunday!!

I always look forward to this day. It is the start of the "Road to Wrestlemania" in the WWE! Tonight is the Royal Rumble. And this year, they have upped the entries to 40 instead of the 30 it has been for ... like ... EVER! I so enjoy this Pay Per View. Then, the Elimination Chamber comes next, and finally, on April 2nd, 2011, it's Wrestlemania! The annual event that started in 1985 and has been phenomenal ever since.

It's morning right now, and I just got back from the grocery store not too long ago. Soon I will start my laundry and "putt around" until the NHL All-Star Game at 2pm (I think it's at 2).

Went to the doctor Friday because my arm has been going numb (while I'm sitting doing nothing) and the occassional (sp?) chest/shoulder pain. Also, took my blood pressure at Walmart the other day and it was 146/91. Scared me. He took my pressure, and both numbers were normal. However, he is sending me for a Cardiac Stress Test and a chest x-ray to look for lung cancer. He also wants me to take my pressure 3x a week for the next 2 weeks, then report it to him on my follow up visit on the 11th. Took it at Walmart this morning, and the first number was 127. GREAT! Even lower! Second number, however, was 101, which is stated as "Stage 2 Hypertension". SHIT! Pulse rate was 99. That can't be good either, I'm sure. Will see what happens next week. Not going to say I'm a bit concerned. But, until I am told one way or the other, not going to let it affect me.

Also got a prescription for Chantix. Yes, it's time for me to quit smoking. Unfortunately, my insurance company will only cover this by mail order. So, Monday morning I will be mailing it in. Do not want to pay whatever the cost is at the pharmacy, that's for sure. The idea is to save money without making me bankrupt.

Ann is worried, I can tell. She won't say it. She never does! But, when I told her the doctor was sending me for an x-ray to check for lung cancer, I could read it in her eyes. Trying not to bring it up, but every now and then, I need to talk about it, and she has to learn to let it out and deal with it. Otherwise, it won't be any fun if I have it. Hey, I gotta laugh. Otherwise I may cry. I'm too fucking young for this shit. Not supposed to die for another 17 years. That was the agreeement I had with God when I was a teenager! He's agreed to everything else, he sure better agree to this one.

Played poker yesterday. Charity event for the Boys & Girls Club of Benton County. Didn't embarrass (sp?) myself, which was good. Finished 2nd on the Unilever team (not second out, second to LAST out). And 1st on my floor, which is all I count anyway *SMILE*. It was fun. Wish I could have done better, but sometimes when you play idiots, they win in idiot ways.

That's about it for now. Will try to get another post in before Friday. If not, will definitely post over the weekend.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


It wasn't a normal Saturday. Don't get me wrong, it started out that way. I did my normal "Saturday work" but made a bet with myself in my head. You see, I wanted to play poker, and there is a tournament at Cherokee at 10am. Well, it was 8:30 and I ran my Ice Cream Replenishment Report. When I pulled it up, I noticed 213 new lines on it. Well, shit! There is no way I can look up that many items in time. But I challenged myself. If I got it done by 9:10am, I would go. I was done at 9:08, so went to play. What a waste of time. A guy (claiming it was his first tournament ever) kicked 3 of our asses in less than 45 minutes. He was a calling station, and caught EVERY hand. It was awful. Anyway, I got home later (about 12:30) because I stayed to play slots awhile. Ann had gone to Blockbuster for Anthony, then went to Sam's. He went to play the game he rented, and it was bad. So about 3:00 or so, she took him back and I was playing Left 4 Dead on XBox. The game made me physically ill. I got a horrible migraine, nausea. Had to go lay down. Fell asleep about 3:30. When I woke up at 5:30pm, Ann tells me she heard on the radio that the Jason Aldean/Eric Church concert (with The JaneDear Girls) was NOT sold out. Being there were no stupid questions asked yet, I asked one. "Do you wanna go?" Quickest reply I ever received "Yes!" So, we showered, got dressed, got directions, and away we went.

The ride TO Fayetteville only took about 1/2 hour, which I figured. The problem with finding out where I had to go took 45 minutes. I don't know Fayetteville, and I do not know the U of A campus. I finally parked about 7:30. That's the time the concert was starting. So much for seeing The JaneDear Girls (which I heard were not bad). We walked about 1 1/2 miles (UP-FUCKING-HILL!), got our tickets, and went in.

The concert was FANTASTIC! These two put on a helluva show. And the females there?? Oh My Goodness! If I was younger, taller, muscular, and good looking (OK, fine, and single). The highlight though was a young blonde woman in front of me with what looked like Shirley Temple curls. She was adorable. Beautiful even. But the poor thing had absolutely NO RHYTHM whatsoever! Hilarious to watch her try to dance to the music.

After the concert, walking to the car was much easier (it was downhill) and getting back to the highway was quick. We were hungry, and I had a plan. Grab dinner at Denny's, then next door to the hotel for some quick hotel sex, then go home. At Denny's we found one of my wife's ex co-workers and her husband (we saw them at the concert) so we had dinner with them. Made it too late for hotel sex. Actually, made it too late for ANY sex. Got home, got into pajamas, and went to sleep.

I woke up this morning at 7:30 because I have my normal Sunday chores to do (shopping, laundry, sit on ass and watch football like a real man). Tonight will be an early sleepy night. Then tomorrow, it's back to a normal work schedule. Normal. Yeah right. I have 11 meetings in 3 days. When the hell am I going to get any work done? LOL!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow daze

Yes, folks! It's the south. It's winter. And it snowed here yet again. I thougth I moved away from it. It wasn't much .. only about 3 inches or so. But around here, 1 inch will shut down the entire county. Scary huh? Fortunately, the laptop provided by my employer allows me to work from home, so I can still get things done without having to drive in inclement weather. Today, I stayed home because I don't feel well. The weather the past couple of weeks has been so vast (warm, cold, hot, ice cold) that I think it's beginning to catch up with me. I am aches and pains. Too young for this crap! Then again, I don't take care of myself worth a damn either, so I'm actually surprised I'm still in as "good" a condition as I am.

Wife and I were planning to go to Cherokee Casino last night to see Tracy Lawrence in concert, but the snow and icy road conditions kept us home. All for the best I think. The concert started at 10pm, but Ann was asleep by 9:45pm.

Played poker this past Tuesday night. Did well, but I have way too many shortcomings in my game. Should have taken 2 players out, but didn't take out either. Knew I had "the nuts" (best possible hand), and decided to lowball it instead of pushing and having them call (I didn't bet enough)! Next Saturday I am playing in a charity event for the Boys & Girls club. Last year I was a dealer in the tournament. This time I am going to be a participant. I hope I play a bit better than I did the other night.

More snow being called for this Sunday night. Could mean another day working from home. At the least, schools will be closed for the 3rd straight school day.

Well, that should catch everyone up. Hopefully will not be another 8 days before my next post. TTFN!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Anthony!

My son turns 17 today. Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday he was born. I can still remember the events of the day as clearly as I remember what keys are where on the keyboard. Just can't remember what I had for dinner the other night :(

Starting my mentoring today with a student at a local elementary school. Looking forward to it, but really hoping he and I "hit it off" so he will continue to have a mentor for the remainder of the school year. I will admit, I'm a bit nervous. It's been a long time since I've had to have a conversation with a child that I've never met, and who isn't my own.

Preparing for the "busy season" at work. Everyone thinks the season starts in March, but I've seen an increase in sales in February. Either way, I'm mentally ready for it, and looking forward to it. I actually like working. Keeps me from sitting, doing nothing, and thinking too much :)

Well, that's about it for now. Take care y'all. See you again soon!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The party's over

What a first week of 2011 this has been. Arkansas football played in the Sugar Bowl, but we lost 31-26. We looked like crap in the first half, only to beat on a depleted team in the second half. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the job done. I say "we" like I was a part of it. In fact, I didn't go to the University of Arkansas, but I do have a dream of my son going one day. Maybe two if he likes it.

Work was fairly quiet this week. And, now the party is over. My co-worker, the one who was out on maternity leave after having a beautiful baby boy, comes back to work on Monday. This means my time of covering her job is done. I said it to the ones that made it possible, and now I'll say it here. Thank you for the opportunity, allowing me to work and learn about the position. They all said I did a really good job, but I don't see it that way. There is so much I have to learn. At least now I know WHAT I need to learn, so that if/when a position opens and if/when I decide to apply, and if/when I get the job, I know what I need to know to be successful in the role. In the meantime, I have a couple of great projects for this year, which I am looking forward to. Also, there was something I was formulating in my mind which has been given to someone else to grow one of their projects, and for that I'm happy. Maybe he can find what I couldn't. A pattern.

This week I start a Watch DOG program at a local school near where I work. My student is in the 5th grade, and I get to meet with him on Thursday. I am looking forward to this, but I am also nervous. We do not yet know one another, and I am hoping that he will like and trust me enough to allow me to visit with him weekly.

While watching TV yesterday, the news broke in about a Congresswoman from Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head point blank from about 1 foot away. The report that I heard said the bullet went through, did not lodge in her brain. An aide on her team apparently was a medic prior to working with her, as he was able to put pressure in the proper spots until the paramedics arrive. She was rushed to the hospital (air lifted), brought into surgery, and the doctors are optomistic about her recovery. They do not yet know what her mental faculties will be. My understanding is she is a wonderful caring person. I hope for her, and her family's sake, that she can make a full recovery, if not at least 80%. Caring for someone with brain damage in any form is never easy. And yes, I consider the aide that helped her, as well as the people that tackled the gunman so he could not kill or injure any more than he had (18 or 19 total), heroes!

Well, it's time to get the grocery list ready and go shopping. Supposed to snow, so I am figuring the store to be much more crowded than usual. Hopefully they were able to double stock on some items in preparation for the inclement weather figuring people were going to buy triple of everything. After all, we may get 1-4 inches. This will shut people in for weeks (please note the severe sarcasm!).

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to 2011...

I tried posting yesterday but it failed miserably. Going to try again while I have a few minutes.

The New Year celebration at my house went very well this year. We were all well awake for 12am EST (New York) and cheered for that. Staying up until 12am CST proved difficult. It was a long day for all, even though Ann only worked 4 hours.

Let's talk about that a moment. I told you in the past that the plan was to go to Downstream, this time get a room either there or a nearby hotel (which were running shuttles for NYE), and party plenty. Well, being she was scheduled to work, plans got scrapped. Too late home, rush too much, yada yada. Well, she got home at 1pm. FIGURES!!

Anyway, we made it to midnight, cheered, then went outside to blow horns (ended up in a competition with houses a couple of blocks away. I think they won!). After that, we cleaned up and went to bed. Very few drinks were had. But a great time nonetheless.